I’m Exploring

What is Holy Trinity Like?

We are Lutheran church which means that we have a slightly different approach to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We know we are sinners, and while we ask for forgiveness, we really focus on the grace of God in sending his Son, Jesus, to redeem us and set us free.  When we say grace, we mean we are saved or redeemed by what God did and not by what we do.  We spend more time talking about Jesus and God than we do about what we should and should not do.  Actually, because of this, we are free to love God in response to the love that he has given us.  We celebrate the love of God and our love for him that is shown in how we love each other. 


Do I need to be Lutheran?

Whether you are a life-long Lutheran, come from another tradition, or you are making your first visit, there is no need to worry, you don’t need to be raised of the Lutheran tradition. Other than being liturgical, our similarities with your traditions probably would be more noticeable than our differences.  Many people that are part of our community are from other denominations and faith practices.  We welcome everyone and are uplifted by everyone’s faith.  So, when at worship, you will receive a bulletin and with the Hymn book in the pew you will have all you need to follow along.

What is worship like?

Worship is a time that we all support each other in faith.  We do many things to bring us together; prayers, readings, the sermon, and Holy Communion.  We do like music, some of it old and some of it new.  We are liturgical, which means we follow a pattern to worship but change up the readings and presentation to go along with the theme of the day.  We have Holy Communion every week to celebrate Jesus' presence with us and invite all the baptized believers to the altar to receive Jesus' presence in the bread and wine or in the blessing.  We try to create a pleasant atmosphere where everyone’s need to connect with God is met during our worship.

There is an offering that is taken.  This offering is used to support the ministries of Holy Trinity.  As a guest, we do not expect you to contribute, unless you wish to do so.  It is our hope that you find something about us that you like.

Are Children Welcome?

Absolutely!  We invite all children to come forward for the Children's Message.

  • Wee Worship:  After the Children's Sermon, preschool children (ages 2-5) have the option to go with the leaders to the small classroom off the Commons.  The leaders will read a short story, lead a short craft and maybe even teach a song.  They will then be brought back to the Sanctuary following the collection of the offering to participate in Holy Communion and the remainder of the service.
  • We have Children's Bulletins for 3+ and 7+ available after the children's message
  • We have Busy Bags filled with coloring materials, soft quiet toys and books.  They can be found on the bookshelf to the far left as you enter the Sanctuary.
  • Children may receive Holy Communion at any age - it is at the parent's discretion.  Our Holy Communion instruction takes place when the child is in the 2nd grade.
  • If you have an active child, feel free to take them out to our Commons area (on the left side of the church).  Don't fret, we are used to noisy and active children, and God wants to see them, too.

May I Take Communion?

Holy Communion is celebrated weekly at each service and all baptized Christians are welcome at the altar.  Any age child, with the parent’s permission (and the responsibility to instruct) may receive Holy Communion.  Alternately, children can come to the altar to receive a blessing from the pastor. 

We receive communion at the front of the altar where the bread and wine is distributed.  After consuming the wine, use the trash can by the wall to dispose of the cup.  If there is a special order for communion, instructions will be provided.  Both wine and grape juice are available.  Regular bread and gluten-free wafers are available as well, please feel free to ask.

Do I need to dress up?

Holy Trinity welcomes all who come to worship and we have no dress code.  Worshippers at Holy Trinity wear anything from jeans to suits.  Dress in a manner that is comfortable for you.

What if I have special needs?

All people are welcome, even those that require a little extra help or patience to be here.  We welcome children that are active and children with special needs. 

There are two entrance ramps, one located at the office side of the building and one on the fellowship side. 

We provide large print bulletins and other worship materials for the visually impaired.

If you would like, Holy Communion will be distributed to you in your pew.  Just ask the usher and he will tell the pastor. 

There are all types of situations and accommodations that we are willing to make.  Please feel free to let us know the assistance you require.

Will I be asked to be a member?

We would be delighted if you were to have your spiritual journey linked with ours.  But really, that is a way down the road.  We invite you to be a part of our family, to worship with us, to engage in our activities and to get to know us.  We like to say, "date us for a while," and see if the relationship is good for you.  Then, when it feels right for you, you may want to consider formally becoming a part of the Holy Trinity Community.  

Do you have social time on Sunday Morning?

During our Fall/Winter/Spring Schedule:

  • 8:45 am Sunday School (including Adult Sunday School) OR join our chancel choir practice
  • 10:00 am Worship Service

Join us in gathering after worship service for coffee, snacks, and informal social time.