Parade of Saints

Sunday, November 3

This event will start during the Sunday School Hour, 8:45-9:45 am, for ALL ages! This is the day when we celebrate All Saints Day during worship. All Saints Day typically focuses on those who have died during the year. However, did you know that in the Lutheran Church you do not have to be dead to be a saint? Actually, anyone who follows Jesus is considered a Saint! You are a saint!! Lutherans believe that sainthood is not a thing to be achieved, it is a GIFT of God!!

In our lives, there is likely someone who has really helped us along our faith journey. On November 3, everyone is invited to bring a picture of someone who they feel has helped them draw closer to God in faith- sort of a personal Saint! This can be someone who has gone before who now is celebrating life in God’s heavenly Kingdom or someone who is still living here on earth! We will light candles for the Saints and everyone will be invited to fill out a card with the saint’s name and a little information about their life!

At the end of the hour, anyone who has brought a picture of a saint who has gone before and is living in God’s heavenly kingdom is invited to join the Gathering Procession in worship carrying the picture of their Saint. We will then place the pictures in our worship space to remind us of the people who have modeled life in Jesus and can continue to serve as examples for us of a godly life.

In addition, we are hoping to have some cookies as refreshments for the day and thought it might be fun to have cookies made using the recipes of some of the saints who have gone before us! Maybe you have a cookie recipe from your mom, grandparents, or friend. Watch our weekly announcements for more information!

Posted in Announcements, Uncategorized.