Classics Senior Adult Group

The Classics Fall Outing


Join us for a potluck lunch and games day onFriday, January 17th at the church. We’ll meet at11:30 AM and eat around noon. Don’t worry if you can’t bring a dish—come enjoy the fellowship!

Volunteers to organize games/cards are welcome.

Looking ahead, we’ve reserved 20 tickets for the matinee of Singing in the Rain at the Shenandoah Music Theatre on Saturday, July 12th. Tickets may cost $39 each based on attendance. A 50% deposit is due by April 27th, with final payments later if needed. Plan to share a meal before or after the show.

Contact Peggy Everhart ( with
questions or to confirm your attendance and payment by April 27th.
Checks can be made out to Peggy.

We’d love your ideas for future events— feel free to take the lead!

Any questions?

Worship Volunteers

Worship Assistants Needed!

Readers, Ushers, Coffee Hosts and more…There is a place for everyone. The sign up sheet is available online (link below.)  In particular, we need additional ushers and tellers.  Simply ask an usher on Sunday to find out more about the usher position! If you are new to serving, or need a refresher, let the church office know and we will help!

Sign up to be on our Worship Volunteer Schedule

Message from our Pastor

Advent is here! A season of waiting and expectation. I love the hymns of advent. Take time to listen to the words and appreciate this season.

This year our theme for advent is “Is it Amazon or is it Advent?” What similarities and differences are there? When do we experience waiting these days or is everything delivered within two days?

In our time and place many of us are not used to waiting. We can listen to any song at any time on our devices. We can see something we want to buy, order it and it will arrive in two days. But there are times and places where we do wait. Waiting for the birth of a child is still nine months. Waiting for a diagnosis or prognosis or someone in surgery. We know what it is like to wait. In Advent we wait, and we trust and we know the God who created the universe is with us. In our lives when we do have to wait, we trust in the one who created us and loves us to be with us in the waiting – the expectant excited waiting and the dreaded waiting.

God is with us.      E m m a n u e l !

This season of expectation leads up to our celebration of Jesus’ birth.

Come Let Us Adore Him!

After the 4 weeks of waiting, join us to celebrate the birth of Jesus and sing Christmas Carols! Christmas Eve worship will be held at 2:00pm, 4:00pm, and 7:30pm this year. All services will include Candlelight and Holy Communion. Special music at 4:00 and 7:30pm. You are also welcome and invited to join us outside around the fire pit at 9:30pm to sing Christmas Carols
and hear the Christmas story. Dress for the weather and bring a chair (weather permitting). Invite your family, friends, and neighbors to join us to celebrate worship at Holy Trinity this year!

May you feel Christ’s presence in the waiting and in the joy and celebration!

God’s Peace,

Pastor Kristin Hoyer

Contact information:

(I will be taking Mondays as my day off.)


Wish List for Little Blessings Preschool

Looking to spread Christmas cheer to little learners? Little Blessings Preschool could really use supplies from our wish list to create a joyful learning environment this holiday season! Shop our list here

Did you know that you do not have to purchase from Amazon? If you find the exact item at another retailer, simply mark the item off our list as purchased elsewhere.

THANK YOU for supporting our little ones and the teachers.  Your generosity is so appreciated.

Women of the ELCA

Join us for our next meetings on Tuesdays, December 3 and January 7 @ 10am

WELCA’s November meeting was held on Election Day ’24. We had 10 members present plus the wonderful addition of (recently turned) 90 year old Betty Schafer, an original Holy Trinity WELCA member. Thank you to Kim Mill for being Betty’s transportation to our meeting.

Prayers were offered for a safe and positive national election as well as for Pastor Kristin’s son, Joseph, who that day was undergoing ACL surgery in Maryland.

Outreach:  Sandwiches were made for the Loudoun homeless shelter and were delivered by Anne Wohlford after the meeting. The members present voted to increase our monthly number of sandwiches made to 24. It was also agreed that at our December 3rd meeting, that each member would bring 1 dozen homemade cookies to share with the men and women at the homeless shelter. We also voted to donate $150 from our treasury to purchase gifts from the Angel Tree. Pat Bailey will purchase these gifts.

Book Study:  Cathy Root and Pat Bailey led the group through Chapters 4 (“Be a ‘Long Haul Hero’”) and Chapter 5 (“Pay the Role”) from our book study (Drew Dyck’s Just Show Up). A lively discussion followed. For December, we will have only chapter 6 to read – “Just Crack Open Your Bible”.

We welcome any women from our Holy Trinity congregation to join us!

Pat Bailey, President

Men’s Breakfast

Second Tuesday of Every Month

9:00 am

IHOP – 980 Edwards Ferry Road, NE Leesburg

Join friends in a great conversation and fellowship over *arguably* the best meal of the day – Breakfast!

Next meeting:  Tuesday, December 10, IHOP, 980 Edwards Ferry Road, NE Leesburg

Angel Tree gifts for community

Poinsettia Dedications

Help decorate the Sanctuary with a poinsettia plant.

$15 each or 2 for $28

Bring your plant home after the 7:30 pm Christmas Eve Service or after the 10:00 am Lessons & Carols service the following Sunday. You may also opt to contribute only to the flower/decorations fund.  Order forms are available at church, or you may Download and print one here: paper form.