November 12, 2017 is Consecration Sunday. During this special stewardship service, we will present our Estimate of Giving Cards in the offering plate. You are encouraged to discern your Estimate of Giving before coming to church, and bring the card with you (click here to download the Estimate of Giving Card). You may also write it up during the offertory. We will celebrate during worship the gifts we offer together in response to God’s love for us. Musically, we will be led by the talents of Ryan and Tucker Benton. After the service, we will continue the Consecration Day Celebration with a Pot Luck Brunch. We invite you to bring a breakfast casserole, fruit, or breakfast pastries to share for the brunch. Join in as we celebrate the things we can do together and look forward to a great morning at Holy Trinity.
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Youth Retreat
We need youth leaders, people to prepare and deliver dinner on Friday and Saturday night, and people to help with transportation. Call or email Pastor Gerry today! 703-209-3599 pastorgfj@gmail.com
Nov. 17-19, 2017
Grades 7-12
For Attendees…
Cost: $60.00
We will leave on Friday Nov. 17 at 6pm and return 12:00 noon on Sunday, Nov. 19. Bring payment to the office by Nov. 8.
Things to bring: Bible, blanket, sheets and pillow, two days of warm clothes, toiletries, sneakers, and a fun attitude.
Wednesday morning Bible Study has begun! Join pastor as he leads us through the book of Mark on Wednesdays at 10:30 AM.
More Good News! When a church has serious repairs, like the steeple, we fret. We wonder how we are going to pay for it. Some churches feel defeated by the circumstances of major repairs. Not Holy Trinity. We set up a plan to provide the opportunity to contribute to our steeple and our generous people exceeded our goal in two weeks. We asked for $25,000 and we received $32,320. (The additional funds will support other building maintenance projects.) We now have the contracts signed, the down payments made, and we are planning the days that the work will be done. Special Thanks to Roger Bailey and Larry Grant and all the Steeple Project Team who have worked hard in getting estimates and bids and presenting their plan to Church Council.
“Next to the word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world.”
–Martin Luther
The treasure of music is something that lasts a lifetime. Time and again I have observed within the church or working in nursing homes, that music sticks with us. It becomes part of who we are. In the words of Helen Kemp, an icon is church music, stating in one of her warm-ups: “Body, mind, spirit, voice; It takes a whole person to sing and rejoice.” Perhaps this is why the words of hymns, often taken directly from scripture, stay with us long after many other capabilities have gone.
We invite you, all of you, to come and join us in singing and rejoicing! We have choirs for ages Kindergarten through adult. What you sing-will stick with you, and you will have a lot of fun!
Children’s Choir – Grades K-5: Starts September 20th and meets every Wednesday from 6:15-7:00 PM as part of Wednesday Night, LIVE!
Youth Singers – Grades 6-12: Starts September 20th and meets every Wednesday from 7:15-7:45 PM as part of Wednesday Night, LIVE!
Chime Choir – Grades 6 through adult: Starts September 20th and meets every Wednesday from 7:45-8:15 PM as part of Wednesday Night, LIVE! (No experience necessary!)
Chancel Choir – adults and interested high school singers: Starts September 6th and meets every Wednesday evening from 7:15-8:30 PM as part of Wednesday Night, LIVE! You are most welcome in the Chancel Choir any and all Sundays and holidays in the coming year. If you can’t make mid-week practice, we can work something out. We have great music lined up for 2017-2018, including for a November Hymn Festival Sunday service. Sing every week, or just on occasion, as you can. Soloists welcome! If you have some special musical offering, and/or would like to involve friends, school- or work-mates in some Sunday music, please contact us. Thanks in advance, for your talent and good will.
Nancy Fox & Marcia Merry