Nats Game

Take Me Out to the Ball Game!
The L.A. Dodgers are the hottest team in the National League and were the Nationals nemesis in last year’s post season.  We will go the Nats/Dodgers Game on August 16, 2017 at 1:05pm.  If you are interested in going, please let Pastor know by August 13.  He will explain his praying technique for home runs.

KingdomOfGod, Virginia

Kingdom of God, Virginia
On Sunday June 18, June 25, and July 3 we will have a Sermon Series on the Kingdom of God. The reason that I picked this topic is that I think that we need to be reminded that the presence of God is around us and part of us---or at least part of what we are trying to do individually or as a church.  If we understand that God is trying to show himself in his kingdom, here in Leesburg, VA through us that may help us in our self-understanding as we begin our planning process.

What is it like?

More than anything else, Jesus talks about the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is like….this.   But it is still so fuzzy.  We feel the need to ask the come down to earth questions: Who? What? Where? Why? And How?  That is because Jesus doesn’t give us a tangible picture.  Why is that (oops!)?   The next Three weeks we will talk about that. We will explore how God works among us and how God is revealed to us in all the Kingdom of God moments that we experience.  
This week, we will be talking about what the Kingdom of God is like.  Where is it? How do we see it?  And maybe it is more tangible than we thought.  So maybe the Kingdom of God will be near this Sunday morning, you won’t know unless you see for yourself.  Let us find out together.
Pastor Gerry

What is the Holy Trinity?

Did you ever think about what the Holy Trinity is?  Yes, we know it is the God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Yes, we know that it is three persons in one God.  But really, besides that what are they?  They are the way God reveals himself to us.  We see Him in the result of creation.  We see Him in our Savior, Jesu Christ, and we see Him in the good that surrounds us.  God is everywhere.  Always coming, always breaking out, always finding new ways to reveal to us that something else besides ourselves is going on.  Also, in the Trinity, the most important characteristic about God is revealed: Relationship.  God enjoys and thrives in the eternal relationship of God in the Trinity.  Perhaps that is a good example for us as we enjoy and live in our relationships too.
As we celebrate our Holy Trinity birthday party, think about what the Holy Trinity mean to us.  What is about the Holy Trinity that guides us or grounds us?  What do we have in the guiding light of a name for our community as Holy Trinity Lutheran Church?

The KingdomOfGod

“Fella, don’t you know, you are in God’s country now!” Many people would say that Virginia is God’s country (most of them live in Virginia. I suppose that the same is true for Leesburg people as well.) We may have something special here, but in God’s eyes, we have something special everywhere. It is called the Kingdom of God.

Jesus talks of it coming, it being near, and now it is here! In fact, Jesus talks about the Kingdom of God more than anything else.  It is important enough to focus on and talk about for a three week series:

  • June 18: What is the KingdomOfGod like?
  • June 25: The KingdomOf God is within you
  • July 2: The KingdomOfGod, Leesburg, VA

There will be specific readings, prayers, and hymns that direct us in this great message of Jesus. We are part of the Kingdom of God. Let’s talk about it.

Pastor Gerry

This is Pentecost Sunday

People from the crowd said, as Peter and the Apostles spoke, and people from every land understood them, “How is it that we hear, each of us, in our own native language?”  What does this mean? 

Let me take a guess: Maybe God wanted others to hear about His Son, Jesus and the love God has for all of us.   There are so many dividing lines between peoples and nations.  Even today, there are so many barriers to just sitting down and enjoying each other’s diversity—or maybe enjoying what we have in common---our faith in Jesus Christ.  Maybe we all have something to learn from each other’s witness to God.  The ELCA has given each synod three sister synods from around the world so that we can do just that.  We partner with Estonia, a breakout of the Russian block; Namibia, the survivor of a segregated Africa; and El Salvador, one of the deadliest countries in the world.  When we witness to each other, we all are made stronger in faith, and our world gets smaller.  The fire of the Holy Spirit spreads.     

If you can breathe, you can sing!

Thank-you, Chancel Choir, & Happy Summer Break!

Big thanks go to the Chancel Choir, for all the special music, September through May. After singing June 4 (Pentecost) and June 11 (Trinity Sunday,) the Choir gets a well-deserved break until September.

Chancel Choir mid-week rehearsals resume Wednesday, September 6 at 7:15PM. All are welcome! Plus, if you can’t make Wednesdays, we can provide music in advance, and you can run-through it Sun- day mornings. Our motto: If you can breathe, you can sing!

Calling all Summer Singers & Instrumentalists!

You, your visiting relatives and friends, are most welcome to provide any music contributions to Summer worship services, that you would enjoy doing. Solos, duets (trios and more)— vocal and instrumental are all invited. Your talents are most appreciated. Contact us on dates and music ideas.

Luther Hymn for the Summer:

“Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice”

Our monthly “Luther hymn,” in commemoration of the 500th Luther Anniver- sary year, will be one from the 1524 Wittenberg hymnal (the first published hymnal,) “Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice.” We will stretch it out over June, July and August, using its 10 verses in various ways. Luther wrote them all, setting them to a melody he claimed he heard from a traveling minstrel.

Have a look at the text of the eight stanzas in the hymnal (ELW 594,) in which you find the story—to be sung with joy and spirit– of Jesus’ coming, death, resurrection, and gift of salvation. ‘Rejoice….God be praised forever!”

Marcia Merry, Organist / Choir Director

Hershey Park

Bring your bathing suit and your roller-coaster excitement and come on to Hershey Park with the Middle School and Senior High. We will go to Hershey on Wednesday, June 14, 2017 at 9:00 for a fun day at Hershey Park, and return home between 7:00pm and 8:00pm. We will need drivers, so if anyone can drive that would be a blessing.

If anyone wants to bring their whole family, they are welcome to take advantage of the group rate. Also, keep in mind any ticket you purchase will not be date specific, meaning you can use them anytime during the summer.

Ticket prices are $39.50 for ages 9-54 (40% off regular price), $30.50 for ages 3-8, $30.50 for ages 55-70

Come on, chill out, and have a great time to start the summer with Holy Trinity Youth. See Pastor Gerry for more details.

Sermon Series: TheKingdomofGod, Virginia

“Fella, don’t you know, you are in God’s country now!” Many people would say that Virginia is God’s country (most of them live in Virginia. I suppose that the same is true for Leesburg people as well.) We may have something special here, but in God’s eyes, we have something special everywhere. It is called the Kingdom of God.

Jesus talks of it coming, it being near, and now it is here! In fact, Jesus talks about the Kingdom of God more than anything else. So, I guess it is important enough to focus on and talk about for a three week series.

  • June 18: What is the KingdomOfGod like?
  • June 25: The KingdomOf God is within you
  • July 2: The KingdomOfGod, Leesburg, VA

There will be specific readings, prayers, and hymns that direct us in this great message of Jesus. We are part of the Kingdom of God. Let’s talk about it.

Pastor Gerry

Congratulations to our Confirmands!

Confirmation marks the completion of Holy Trinity’s program of confirmation ministry, a period of instruction in the Christian faith as confessed in the teachings of the Lutheran Church.  Those who have completed this program were made members of the Church in Baptism.  Confirmation includes a public profession of the faith into which the candidates were baptized, thus underscoring God’s action in their baptism.   We give thanks for all who have served as teachers and mentors to these young people along their faith journey.  We thank them for sharing their gifts in this important capacity.

Getting to Know You…

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

My Mom was a singer and an organist for a church. Growing up as a kid she would sing a favorite song all the time. I never really paid much attention but as an adult some show tunes are permanently programed in my head. One of her favorites was “Getting to know you” sung by Julie Andrews featured in the musical: “The King and I.”

“Getting to know you, getting to know all about you. Getting to like you, getting to hope you like me. Getting to know you, putting it my way, but nicely, you are pre- cisely, my cup of tea.”

Alright I admit it, as corny as it is, that tune has made its way to my consciousness right now. Thanks Mom.

Each Easter we celebrate the life, death, and resurrec- tion of our Savior. And we get to know him once again. We get to know him once again and that sets us up for the rest of the year. It is all about getting to know him. When hardship happens in our life, circumstance forces us to look at him. When great joy fills our hearts, we turn to him and thank him. In fact, in all our human experiences, we are prodded to look his way. “Getting to know you….”

This Easter the words of “Getting to know you” has a different meaning as you experience your spiritual journey shared with me, your new pastor. While we focus on “Getting to know” each other, we also are prodded to look beyond that to see the workings of Jesus Christ, our loving Savior, in the development of our relationship and its direc- tion. So far, I have been blessed and amazed by what has happened to me. But I also know that there is so much more to come. I am excited about that.

Together with the Congregation Council, we are planning Cottage Meetings (evening meetings of church people in people’s homes) starting around May 20. They will be hosted by people in the congregation and one will be held in Leesburg, Ashburn, and Purcellville. We understand, you may be tired from work. You may need to get a babysitter. There may be a million ways to spend your evening. We ask that you help us by spending one evening with us. During that time, we would like to know your thoughts and dreams for this church community. In short, we are getting to know you, getting to know all about you. From these meetings, the council will have a planning retreat and follow up with a planning session for the whole congregation in late summer or fall.

I am amazed how vested people are in this community. We all want to do God’s work here (That is called growth), and we all seem eager to make that happen. It is all about the abundance of resources we share and how to effectively share them for the benefit of God reaching all he can. There is no better or more nobler challenge. But that challenge is all of ours together. We can’t wait to hear and share in the discussions about this community we love at the Cottage Meetings. So, please look for the sign-up and maybe bring a church friend.

A later verse of the song is: Sharing your spirit, sharing your tears and your laughter, hoping it goes on, hoping it lasts endlessly. You are completely, my friend you see. Let us all sing along: Lord, getting to know you—Friend: Getting to know you like me,

Have a wonderful Spring,

Pastor Gerry