You are invited…
Festival Reunion Choirs
to sing in celebration of the
50th anniversary
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Sunday, June 14, 2015
9:30 am Worship Service
All present and former members of the Children’s Choirs & the Chancel Choirs of Holy Trinity are warmly invited to come and sing with the Festival Reunion Choirs!
Children’s Choir and past Children’s Choir members will sing “Go now in peace” at the conclusion of the worship service. We will be using Chimes to accompany this musical offering.
Chancel Choir and past Chancel Choir members will be singing a lovely, and easily singable, musical offering.
Pre-Service Rehearsal
7:30 – 8:25 am Coffee meet & greet (Muhlenberg Music Room)
8:30 am Chancel Choir Practice & Festival Orchestra practice (in Sanctuary)
9:00 am Children’s Choir and Reunion Choir practice “Go Now in Peace” (In Multi-Purpose Room, lower level)
9:20 am Children’s Choir and Reunion Choir excused to sit with their families and friends for the Worship Service (we will gather up front during the last hymn)
9:25 am Chancel Choir line-up (in Muhlenberg Music Room)
Kindly spread the word, and plan to sing!
Contact Nancy Fox or Marcia Merry for more information: