Social Ministry Outreach

Eyeglasses/Hearing Aid Collection: There is a significant need for eyeglasses and hearing aids that may be gathering dust in your drawers.

These items can be invaluable to those who cannot afford them. We will collect these donations and take them to recycling centers where they will be cleaned, polished, classified, sorted, and boxed. The eyeglasses will then be distributed free of charge to individuals in need in the community typically through medical mission teams with the assistance of an optometrist.

Donated hearing aids will be sent to a Hearing Aid Bank Foundation, where they will be refurbished and provided to those in need, often through collaboration with local hearing aid doctors and the County Health Department.

Even if you don’t use these items, please encourage others to donate. This small gesture can make a significant difference.

All items may be dropped off in the marked bins at the church.  Thank you for your support.

Gods Work. Our Hands.

Sunday School & Work Sessions 8:45 am

Worship 10:00 am

“God’ s work, our hands; working together, building a future, repairing the world,...Bless God, our hands as we work in your name, sharing the good news of your gospel!”

This will also be the first day of Sunday School!

Students will work with their teachers and classmates on a service project from 8:45 to 9:45 AM, Then all are invited to go out into the community to serve after worship!

Here are some of our projects that request your donations BEFORE Sunday, Sept 8:

KIDS – Expect the Unexpected

Every day an elementary school expects children will have accidents, spills, and falls! This September, Holy Trinity's Women of the ELCA together with the entire congregation on God's Work, Our Hands Sunday will join forces to provide Frederick Douglass Elementary with clothing for these unexpected times - so children can change to clean clothes and quickly get back to their classroom routines.

Check the clothesline in the Commons beginning August 18 for clothes that are needed. You can sign-up online
by going to


For many homeless children the idea of a birthday party, or even a cake is not a reality!
However, as part of God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday, we will make it possible. Through a creative cake
recipe using only nonperishable ingredients we will be creating Birthday Cake Boxes to be distributed to children with housing insecurity! Sign up at:

All materials and items must be brought to church by 8:45 am Sunday, September 8!! Thank you and God bless!

Vacation Bible School

VBS at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church!

Thank you for sharing your children with us from July 8-12, 2024.  Our offering for the week was $1,270.50!!!
This provided:

  • 160 lunches for Loudoun Homeless Services
  • More than 26 family Water Filtration Systems

Check back next year to learn more about VBS 2025!

Our week of VBS will run from 9:00 AM - Noon. The week will culminate with a Sunday Worship Celebration! Children who are turning 3 by September 1 are welcome to join us in our new WeeBS progam and students who will be turning 4 by September 30, 2025 through rising fifth graders are welcome to join as Campers.  Students who are rising Sixth Graders are invited to join as Junior Crew. Junior Crew is a wonderful place to have fun and learn some leadership skills to prepare for volunteer opportunities in the future.  Middle and High School students and adults are invited to volunteer!


Children who are turning 3 by September 1, 2025

Campers:  Rising Pre-K thru 5th graders

Join us for  Storytelling,  Crafts, Games, Snacks, and  Music!  ( Pre-K students must be 4 by September 30, 2025.) 

Junior Crew   

A special program for rising 6th graders:

  • Includes opportunities to learn leadership skills.
  • Provides hands on experience volunteering in different aspects of Vacation Bible School.
  • Incorporates Bible learning and age appropriate crafts.

Youth and Adult Volunteers

Choose from a variety of volunteer positions including Craft Leader / Assistant, Story Teller / Assistant, Snack Leader / Assistant, Recreation Assistant, Crew Leader / Assistant, Nursery, or Office Assistant. 


Participant Form:  WeeBS, and Grades Preschool-5 and Junior Crew (Rising 6th graders)
Volunteer Registration:  Rising 7th graders - Adults
Payment Portal


Music this fall – Looking way ahead

Sunday, September 8, 8:45 AM ~ First Chancel Choir RehearsalAdults

Wednesday, November 13,  6:00 PM ~ First Joyful Noise Sing & Ring Rehearsal(Grades K-5)

Wednesday, November 13,  7:00 PM ~ First Handbell Rehearsal (Middle School-Adult)

Youth Singers will begin rehearsals in September ~ Time and date still being worked out!

Blessing of the Backpacks

Sunday, August 18 10:00 am Service
Blessing of the Backpacks

Start the School Year off with a blessing! Plan to bring your Backpacks, Laptops, Devices, or anything else that you will be using to learn or teach this fall to worship!

Sunday School will start on Sept 8 at 8:45 am!   Register today

Spring Work Day

Saturday April 27

8:30 AM – 12 PM

Lunch will be provided.

The focus is on trimming bushes and hedges, mulching, and edging the sidewalk.

Support Mobile Hope

During the month of April we are supporting Mobile Hope, a local organization that empowers homeless and at risk youth.

Mobile Hope works to change the Social Determinants of Health for children and young adults (24 years of age and younger) who are precariously housed, homeless, and at risk, living in Loudoun County.  They create pathways for this fragile, overlooked and often unacknowledged population to have access to daily essentials and life changing support.

Our concentration this month will be to collect the follow items to donate towards Mobile Hope’s programs of support:

  • Canned Tuna
  • Canned chicken
  • Granola Bars
  • Canned Fruit
  • Cereal
  • Canned Veggies
  • Macaroni and Cheese
  • Hearty Soups
  • Snacks and peanut butter crackers

Please place your donations in the “Golden Cart” located in the church.

Easter Flowers

Each year we decorate our sanctuary with beautiful flowers on Easter. You’ll have an opportunity to purchase flowers ($12 for one or $22 for two) or donate funds to purchase flowers and can provide a dedication in honor of or memory of someone. The forms are available with the worship bulletins in the narthex, or print the attached form and return to the church office.

Flower Form

Help a Community

Peep-le Get Ready!

Little Blessings Preschool & Holy Trinity this Easter are collecting orders to purchase chicks to make a difference in families and communities in over 88 countries.

Help a family spread their wings. When chicks grow up to become chickens, their eggs not only provide an ongoing supply of protein-rich meals — they can also help start a small business and generate a steady source of income.

$10 per order will purchase 10 chicks. 10 for 10!


To order, Contact  or

Communion Instruction

Sunday March 10—11:15 AM – 1 PM.

This class is geared for children in Grade 2 (Older children who have not received this instruction are welcome!). It is appropriate for children who are currently receiving Holy Communion, as well as those who are just preparing to receive the sacrament. As part of the class we will share lunch. More information will be available in early March!