Author Archive: Leesa Bell
New Members
When visitors come and ask how they can join the church, Pastor usually says, just join right in with what is going on. Meet the people. Share the mission. Then at some time (usually twice a year) we gather people to formally become members of the congregation. We have not had a new members group for over a year due to the pandemic. But now we will!
Hear Ye, Hear Ye! A New Members Group is forming. We will have a New Members’ Meeting on Sunday March 6, at 12:00 (after the 11:00 AM service). This will be an opportunity to learn about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. We hope it will be a joyful and informative meeting.
New members will be installed on Sunday March 23, 2022. If you are considering membership or know of someone who is, please contact the church office. If you can’t make the meeting, let us know and we can work something out.
A service of lessons and carols
Christmas Eve Schedule
We are so excited to be able to worship together on Christmas Eve this year!
5:00pm – Children’s Christmas Eve Service with Masks
This service will be a Christmas Eve Service designed to engage the children with costumed solos, chidlren responses, paraphrased Gospel, children’s sermon, singing, and a (battery-operated) candlelit parade. We will have Holy Communion. As a COVID [precaution, we ask participants to wear a mask.
6:15pm – Protected Service with Masks
This service will employ the strictest mitigation techniques to enable immune – sensitive people toe opportunity to attend a Christmas Eve Service. The 6:15pm service will be limited to 30 people, with social distancing, required face masks, solo musical presentations, and limited singing. In order to attend you must make a reservation on If the interest for this service exceeds 30 participants, we are willing to schedule another service on Christmas Day in the afternoon. (Please see the link for more information.)
7:30 pm – Candlelight Service with Masks
This service will be our Traditional Candlelight Christmas Eve Vigil. There will be singing, handbells, Holy Communion and a candlelight sharing. As a COVID precaution, we ask participants to wear a mask.
9:00pm – Candlelight Service WITHOUT Masks
This service will be our Traditional Candlelight Christmas Eve Vigil. There will be singing, handbells, Holy Communion and a candlelight sharing. There will be no face mask requirement.
What is Holy Trinity doing to manage COVID for our Christmas Eve Services?
We all look forward to having a safe and holy Christmas season!