Be an Usher or Teller!

Worship Assistants Needed! 

Training and Experienced Mentors provided.

Ushers help welcome all to the church, and provide assistance during worship to guide worshipers to communion and collect offering. Contact the church office for more information.

Tellers count the offerings after the service, and do appropriate paperwork for the weekly deposit. Contact the church office for more information.

Other volunteer opportunities include: Readers, Coffee Hosts and more…There is a place for everyone.

If you are new to serving, or need a refresher, let the church office know and we will help!

Sign up here!  Worship Volunteer Schedule

Ten Chicks for $10

Chicks As members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), we believe that God is calling us into the world – together. And with generous, loving hands, we can make a difference. Holy Trinity’s Women of the ELCA (WELCA) and Little Blessings Preschool are joining forces again this year to sponsor the ELCA Good Gifts program.

Ten little chicks can make a big difference. Eggs from chickens not only provide an ongoing supply of protein-rich meals for a family, they can also launch a small business that provides a steady source of income.

To participate:

Complete this form:  10 Chicks for 10  Then write a check to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church with “10 Chicks Drive” in the memo section, and drop both in the offering or at the church office. (Preschool parents may give the check to their child’s teacher.)

The Lent 2025 10 Chicks for $10 program will run from 3/9-4/6. Your gifts support the ministries of the ELCA in nearly 80 countries around the world. We look forward to another great response from everyone, so Thank You in advance for your generosity!  Watch the Display in the Commons area to See our Chick Numbers Grow.  

(Last year, the congregational and preschool response was tremendous and we were able to send funds to cover the cost of 1000 baby chicks!)

Got Flowers?

Have you noticed the fresh display of flowers in the sanctuary every Sunday? If you want to celebrate a special occasion-whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or memorial— don’t hesitate to get in touch with Bill Bishop at or call 240-291-8128 for more details.

Women of the ELCA

We meet on the 1st Tuesdays of each month. (Our next meeting is April 1 | 10:00 AM )
All women are welcome!
Join us for an ongoing book study (this year it is Drew Deck’s Just Show Up.).
Holy Trinity Women of the ELCA outreach:
In the fall we spearheaded an  “accident” clothes collection for Frederick Douglass. In March we will launch our  “Ten Chicks for $10” project –  to aid the ELCA Good Gifts overseas outreach.  Last year we raised $1000!  Dates for the Chicks collection will be March 9 through April 6.

We welcome any women from our Holy Trinity congregation to join us!

Pat Bailey, President

Mowing Season

2025 Mowing Season

For the past 14 years volunteers have been mowing the grass at a considerable savings to HTLC. Two riding mowers, fuel and other equipment is provided.

This year’s schedule starts on March 24 and ends on Oct 19 with 14 two week team cycles. 3 /4 person teams are scheduled and based on the number of volunteers. Each team usually mows 3 times a year which can be done any time during the 2 week cycle. We only mow if needed.

In 2024 we had 4 teams consisting of 3 people of which 1 team was a complete family. On job training is provided at no additional cost.

If you are interested in maintaining the beauty of our Church grounds and getting outside during the Summer please contact me at or 540-338-4669. Or contact the church office and I will be in touch.

Thanks again for considering this important program. Jim Truxel

Wish List for Little Blessings Preschool

Looking to spread Christmas cheer to little learners? Little Blessings Preschool could really use supplies from our wish list to create a joyful learning environment this holiday season! Shop our list here

Did you know that you do not have to purchase from Amazon? If you find the exact item at another retailer, simply mark the item off our list as purchased elsewhere.

THANK YOU for supporting our little ones and the teachers.  Your generosity is so appreciated.