Church Picnic

Sunday, June 9, After Worship

Potluck Picnic

Join us for our annual Church Picnic for fellowship, friendship, fun, and great food!
Hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, condiments and drinks will be provided. Please sign up at the church or contact the church office with your number of attendees and your choice of covered dish to bring.
A free will offering will be accepted to help defray the cost of the picnic.

Women’s Choir

All women (Grade 6 and above) are invited to join us for a special “short-term” Women’s Choir opportunity. This is the “second annual” event for this group and we hope to once again get a large group of women to participate. The rehearsal schedule is listed below. It is not necessary to attend all the rehearsals. However, we suggest that singers pick at least one rehearsal, plus the before service rehearsal on June 2.
Wednesday, May 15 at 7:15-8:15 PM
Sunday, May 19 at 8:30-9:00 AM
Wednesday, May 22 at 7:15-8:15 PM
Wednesday, May 29 at 7:15-8:15 PM
Sunday, June 2 Worship 9:30 AM
We will meet for final warm-up and rehearsal
at 8:45 before Worship on June 2.

Children’s Musical

The Children’s Choirs of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church present:

Nic at Night

Sunday, May 5, 11:00 am

Plan to join us as our Joyful Noise Children’s Choir presents the wonderful story of Nicodemus’s encounter with Jesus at night! You won’t want to miss the suspense as we encounter Secret Disciples, a caterpillar, the Sanhedrin and most importantly, Jesus. This is a GREAT opportunity to invite your friends and neighbors to visit our congregation. It’s not a worship service, but with are sure God will be with us!

The Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Children’s Choir is made up of children in Kindergarten through 5th grade. The children provide musical offerings during Holy Trinity worship services approximately once a month, and present a musical each spring. The group rehearses each Wednesday night, as part of Holy Trinity’s Wednesday Night, LIVE! (WNL) program. WNL is an intergenerational ministry for adults and children. The evening provides an informal atmosphere to grow in faith and experience Christian fellowship through shared meals, Children’s Choirs, Adult Choir, Bell Choir and various outreach efforts.


The Way of the Cross Processional

Good Friday, April 19th
6:00 – 7:30 PM
Walking Route to
the Stations of the Cross
Station 1  Leesburg Presbyterian Church 207 W. Market Street
Station 2 Old Stone Church Cemetery, West Cornwall Street & Liberty
Station 3 St. James Episcopal Church, 14 Cornwall Street, NE
Station 4   Mt. Zion United Methodist,  12 North Street, NE
Station 5 Leesburg Town Green, 25 W Market Street
Station 6 Leesburg United Methodist, 107 W. Market Street
All are welcome to walk the entire route or join us at any Station!
Parking Available at Leesburg Presbyterian Church

We need Cookie Bakers!

Mobile Hope Meals
Monthly meals for the bus We need YOUR help!!
Wednesday, March 20 @ 6:00 PM: meal preparation in the HTLC kitchen (minimum of five people needed, no cooking experience required!)
Thursday, March 21 @ 6:00-7:30 PM: meal distribution to children in Lucketts, VA on the Mobile Hope bus (2-3 people needed, no experience required!)
** We also need cookie bakers! We serve approximately 60 kids so we will need 60 individual bags with 2-3 cookies each. These can be made in your home and delivered to HTLC for distribution on the bus. There are now two bakers per month, so each baker makes 30 cookie bags.

Volunteering for this mission is open to every member of the congregation and we encourage you to give your time and talents to help the homeless, precariously housed, and food insecure kids in our community. All ARE WELCOME! Any questions or to volunteers, contact Amy Miller at 703-297-9220.

Puerto Rico Service Trip

The Delaware-Maryland and the Metro DC Synods of the ELCA are engaging on a work mission trip to help the people of Puerto Rico rebuild. Register
July 21—August 3, 2019 You may choose one week or stay for both.
The Lutheran camp in Maguayo, near Dorado
Adults and high school students (14 years and older who have finished 9th grade)
Cost :
$600 for one week
$900 for two weeks
Registration Deadline:
April 1st, $100 deposit
For more information, contact
Amy Miller or Chris Ward

HTLC Closed due to Inclement Weather

Saturday, January 12, 7:30 pm
The weather picture continues to look bleak as the night progresses with a
huge storm heading our way. Even if we do not get the predicted 3-5 inches
of snow, our parking lot probably will not be cleared in time for our 9:30
am worship. Therefore, we will be prudent for safety’s sake and cancel the
worship service for tomorrow. So thank God for his many gifts, including
snow, and say a prayer for our church community and all the people that are
affected by the government furlough.Thank you all for your devotion and diligence.
Pastor Gerry
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church follows the lead of Loudoun County Public Schools regarding closures due to inclement weather. If the school activities are cancelled for Saturday, church activities are also cancelled. Please watch Facebook and for updates!
On Sundays, if it snows and it is dangerous — stay home!
Please remember that our first concern is everyone’s safety.

CANCELLED – Pool Party to Celebrate Jesus’ Baptism

Sunday, January 13
4:00-5:30 PM
Join your HTLC friends for an afternoon of swimming to celebrate and remember Jesus’ Baptism. We will meet at Ida Lee Recreation Center. All are welcome. Please check the following Ida Lee rules as you plan for the afternoon:
  • All children ages two and under are admitted free of charge.
  • Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Children under 6 must be accompanied by a paying adult in the water.
Leesburg Residents: $4 (Youth 15 & under) $5.50 (Adult)
Non-Residents: $5.25 (Youth 15 & under) $7.50 (Adult)
We hope that you can join the fun!
(For this who are unfamiliar with this facility,
the pool is a beach entry pool which is great for little ones!)