Taking Our Community from Good to Great

On Saturday, October 1, the worshiping community of Holy Trinity will gather in the fellowship hall for a one-day intensive leadership workshop. Held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., this time will focus on our ability to accept differences and to lead based on our strengths and mission as we strive to create a healthy congregation. The cost is $10 per person to cover lunch, snacks and materials.   AND INVITE FRIENDS!!!  The concepts and techniques that we will be talking about can be used in any community and are of benefit to all, especially those in leadership roles no matter where they are.   Sign up on the board on Sunday or email Pastor Heidi at pastor@holytrinityleesburg.org to join the group.

“Chill Out” Room

Check out the “Chill Out” room for parents and their children. Kids, you are always welcome in worship – we hope you know this! We also know, however, that there are times when your parents get anxious about some of your enthusiastic responses to worship. When that happens, you can take your parents to the “Chill Out” room where they can relax. There are books and toys for you and a couch for your parents. We hope you find it a welcoming space. If you are not sure where it is, please ask the ushers to help your parents find it.

50th Anniversary Year Music

Thanks to all—performers and audience—who made music for the Holy Trinity 50th Anniversary Year (2015-2016) so wonderful. Please stop by to see the new photo spread on the bulletin board in the Commons.

In brief:

♫ June 14, 2015 was our Reunion Festival Choir and Orchestra;

♫ Aug. 2 “Celebrate Bach” benefit concert;

♫ Dec. 19, 50th Grand Finale concert by the White House Band. Instruments and choristers provided special music for Reformation Sunday, and our annual November Choir festival, as well as for Christmas and Easter.

♫ Our Trinity Men’s Chorus, Chancel Choir and Trinity Brass participated in January in the 2nd annual community choral tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr., held at HTLC (and now so big, the event must move to a larger space).

♫ On April 10, our Children’s Choir musical was “Elijah!”

♫ On April 24, our Holy Grounds was packed for a bistro performance of Bach’s comedy, the Coffee Cantata, by the Loudoun Lyric Opera.

♫ On May 22, the annual pipe organ benefit event featured a “Brass Extravaganza” by the Saturday Morning Brass Project. The Washington Post ran beautiful photos of our organ and the players on the front page of “Loudoun Living,” May 29.

♫ Plus, the Loudoun Chorale gave beautiful concerts in December and May.

♫ Finally, we are proud of the Middle School Singers, a new choir for HTLC.


Soli Deo gloria (Glory to God alone)

Marcia Merry

Guest Minister Rev. Dr. Michael Kuchinsky

kuchinskyThe Rev. Dr. Michael Kuchinsky of Derwood, Maryland will preach and preside on Sunday, July 3. Pastor Kuchinsky began his studies for the Lutheran ministry at Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio, where he received the Bachelor of Arts Degree. After teaching at and administrating a Lutheran school in urban Philadelphia, he earned the Master of Divinity Degree in 1984 from the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, Illinois. Upon graduation from the seminary, Pastor Kuchinsky became the pastor of Saint Matthew Lutheran Church in Richmond, Virginia. In January, 1990, he became Chaplain to Newberry College, Newberry, South Carolina. While serving at Newberry College, Pastor Kuchinsky earned the Master of Arts in Political Science Degree form the University of Richmond in Richmond, Virginia.
In 1999, Pastor Kuchinsky, was awarded the Ph.D. Degree in Government and International Studies
from the University of South Carolina (Columbia). Since earning the Ph.D., he has served as Project Coordinator for Bread for the World Institute, and later Vice-president and Director of Programming for the Luther Institute in Washington, D.C. Since 2006, Dr. Kuchinsky was Professor and Program Coordinator of Political Science and Global Studies at Gardner-Webb University from which he retired this past January.  He continues to write, develop special ministry projects, and occasionally teaches courses in Religion and International Affairs.

Choir Outings – All are Welcome!

Plans are afoot for a Chancel Choir outing or two to hymn festivals in Winchester, sponsored by the Shenandoah Conservatory Church Music Institute. We car pool and welcome guests.  The events are free.

  •  Sunday, June 27 at 7 pm, the music is led by Donald McCullough at Grace Lutheran Church.
  •  Sunday, July 3 at 7 pm, the leader is John Walker at Christ Episcopal Church.

Details from Marcia Merry (814 360 4469) marciamerry@verizon.net

Welcome Pastor Moore

The Council has approved Pastor Heidi Schakel Moore as our interim pastor for the summer. Pastor Heidi is an energetic, charismatic pastor with more than 15 years pastoral experience. She believes that God works through her as she lives out her baptismal covenant and call to love God, love people, and make disciples. Pastor Heidi will be joining us beginning on June 1, and will be here through the remainder of the summer. Her first day to preach will be June 5…let’s make her feel welcome!

Mobile Hope Diaper Drive

SOCIAL MINISTRY/FELLOWSHIP IS TEAMING WITH MOBILE HOPE by conducting a DIAPER DRIVE to benefit families with babies and toddlers. Please donate DISPOSABLE DIAPERS in various sizes. The most needed sizes are 4, 5, and 6 (numbers appear on packaging). Collection point is in the Gathering Area.

DATES OF DRIVE: May 22 – June 30

Help Wanted: Summer Nursery

Our littlest Lutherans need special care while our regular Nursery Attendant is away for the summer.  This is a paid part-time position from   June 12 through August 21.  If you have an interest or know someone perfect for this position, please ask them to contact the Church Office at office@holytrinityleesburg.org or Pam Landis @ lanx4@aol.com or 703.297.9004 for more information.