Wednesday Evenings at HTLC

4:30-5:30 pm  Confirmation Class

5:30-6:00 pm  Dinner (All are Welcome!)

6:00-6:50 pm  Joyful Noise!

  • Grades K-5
  • Sing and Ring
  • Contact Nancy Fox for more information

7:00-8:00 pm Trinity Ringers

  • Intergenerational Handbells Grade 6-Adult
  • Contact Terry Sisk for more information



December at Holy Trinity

Saturday, December 2 ~ 9am – 2pm  Parents Day Out

Parents are invited to bring their children to the church and enjoy a gift of time during this busy season.  Please watch for more information and an opportunity to register your children.  A freewill offering will be collected.

Sunday December 3 ~ Advent 1

Sunday School (8:45am) & Worship (10:00am)

Sunday December 10 ~ Advent 2

Sunday School (8:45am) & Worship (10:00am)

4:00 pm Community Carol Sing!  Come bring your family, your neighbors, and your firends to an hour of carols led by our choirs and organist.

Sunday, December 17 ~ Advent 3

Sunday School (8:45am) & Worship (10:00am)

Sunday School Christmas Pageant during the 10:00 am worship

Sunday, December 24 ~ Christmas Eve

All worship services will be festive Christmas Eve services with Holy Communion, Carols & Candlelight ~ 10:00 am, 4:00 pm, 7:30 pm

Carols around the Fire Pit ~10:30 Join us outside (weather permitting!)

Sunday, December 31 ~ Lessons & Carols (10:00am)

No Sunday School

Wee Worship

Starting Sunday, September 17

While we LOVE having our children in worship and feel that we want that to continue, we realize that for some preschool children (and their parents) the time of the adult sermon can be a stressful. Parents worried their child will disturb others! Kids not understanding the message and becoming fidgety! With Wee Worship, we hope to alleviate some of the stress. After the Children’s Sermon, preschool children (Ages 2-5) have the option go with a leader to the small classroom off of the Commons. The leader will read a short story, lead them in a short craft and maybe even teach them a song. They will then be brought back to the Sanctuary following the collection of the offering to participate in Holy Communion and the remainder of the service!

Young Adult Gathering

New Orleans

Next Summer – July 16-20, 2024

8th graders to 12th graders

All who are interested in attending, let us know by September 10.

$150 registration fee due Sept. 10, but we understand that Septembe3r is a very expensive month for families with school aged youth, so please do not let the money stand in the way of attending this awesome event.

Please contact Nancy Fox or Pastor Kristin for details or questions.

Loudoun Hunger Relief



Although it may be hard to believe, there are about 16,000 people in LOUDOUN COUNTY, the richest county in the nation, who struggle with food insecurity! Let’s be the change. We will be collecting food throughout the summer. In June we focused on canned fruits and vegetables. Here is
the plan for the rest of the summer:

JULY: Protein
(Protein bars, Peanut Butter, Canned Fish and Meats)
AUGUST: Pasta and Grains
SEPTEMBER: Lunch Snacks

Sky Is Falling Campaign

The Sky is Falling campaign is seeking to raise $150,000 for the replacement of the church’s flat (rubber) roof.

There has been significant damage over time, and well, time and sun has contributed to the deterioration.

This campaign will see full funding in 24 months (May 2025)

Without a sound roof on the building, there is nothing under it that can be protected.

Runners & Walkers & Movement wanna bes

Beginning on the first Sunday in February (2/5), weather permitting, we will be hosting a running/walking club every Sunday afternoon. We will plan to meet at the church at 2:30 pm and make our way to the W&OD Trail (either walking/running or driving down and parking), then we’ll spend about an hour getting some steps in. No minimum speed requirement, everyone can go at their own pace. After our hour we’ll meet back at the church for some refreshments and a short fellowship.

If you’d like to get a notification in case we decide to skip a week due to weather, or would just like to express interest, please send me an email ( or a text (402-917-7676).

Advent and Christmas Events

Sunday, December 18, 10:00 am

Christmas Around the World Sunday School Pageant

All over the world people celebrate the birth of Jesus with different customs and different songs, but we have one thing in common: the assurance that “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” (John 3:16)   The Sunday School children will help lead worship as we conclude our Advent preparations.  The service will be followed by the revelation of Advent Angels and refreshments.

St. Nicholas

Little is known about St. Nicholas, but he is remembered for his kindness and generosity to the poor.  In Germany, children put out their shoes on December 5 to receive small present from St. Nicholas.  All children are invited to bring a shoe, labeled with their name, to place on the altar.

Sunday, December 18,  4:00 pm – Christmas Carol Sing Along

We invite the Leesburg community to join us in an afternoon of Christmas Carol singing led by our choirs and Holy Trinity musicians.  This is a non-ticketed, free event.

Saturday, December 24, 2022 – Christmas Eve Worship Services

  • 4:30 PM Children’s Worship
  • 7:00 PM Candlelight Worship
  • 9:00 PM Candlelight Worship

Sunday, January 1, 10:00 am  – Lessons & Carols Worship

Pew Talk

When we think of our church, our people in the pew give us the best insights. They talk of what things we have done as a church that have meant the most to them. They tell us what things about the church fill them and feed them spiritually. They tell us how we all are doing.

Please watch our final Pew Talk with Holy Trinity's Pastor Gerry Johnson, and his wife, Sandy.

Pastor Gerry Johnson and his wife, Sandy

Mike Geyser, Call Committee Chair

Effie DeGroot, our Angel Tree Coordinator

Adrian Matina, church call committee member

Zoe, member, and outstanding student and athlete.

Andrea Barron, Church Administrator

Randy VanEpps, member church council & trumpeter extraordinaire

Debbie Harned, Little Blessings Preschool Director

Alison Waters, Church Council Secretary

Rita Sims, Vice President – Church Council

Jim Truxel, Church member & aviator

Nancy Fox, Director of Music & Family Ministries

Terry Sisk, Organist and Choir Master