Saturday October 1, 2022
Music Food Drinks Games Face Painting and More!
Would you like to volunteer? Contact Rita Sims at 703-622-4105 or via email
Let’s Put Our Heads Together!
In the musical, The Jungle Book, there is a song that has the lyrics: “Let’s put our heads together for the one we adore!” As Christians, the one we adore is Jesus Christ. As we finally seem to be returning to some normalcy, it is time for us a s a congregation to “put our heads together!” It is time to rebuild our Christian Education team, putting our heads together to share the Good News of the One we adore! Being part of the team does not mean you have to do it all. It does not mean you have to teach Sunday School. It means you are willing to come to approximately 4 meetings per year to share your ideas and observations, lift each other up, and pray for this important ministry in our congregation! History has shown that there is a lot of fun and laughter and a real sense of community on this team. We invite you to prayerfully consider whether God is calling you to this exciting and rewarding ministry!
Please contact:
Nancy Fox / 571-216-3587 (Call or Text)
Becky Murphy
Lutheran World Relief received tremendous news this week: Nelsonville Lutheran Church in Wisconsin will double all gifts from congregations – up to $100,000 – for our neighbors suffering in the Ukraine crisis. Right now, Lutheran World Relief teams are working with partners in and around Ukraine. Your congregation’s gift will deliver urgent support and care, like: food, shelter and other critically needed items; Mission Quilts and Kits for families who fled their homes; and medicine and supplies for clinics.
Gifts will be matched through March 15. You can give online at
Sunday School classes are available for children beginning at age 3 through adults.
Classes start: Sunday, September 17
8:45-9:45 AM
Please take a moment to register your child(ren) so that we can be prepared to welcome all on Sunday, September 17
When visitors come and ask how they can join the church, Pastor usually says, just join right in with what is going on. Meet the people. Share the mission. Then at some time (usually twice a year) we gather people to formally become members of the congregation. We have not had a new members group for over a year due to the pandemic. But now we will!
Hear Ye, Hear Ye! A New Members Group is forming. We will have a New Members’ Meeting on Sunday March 6, at 12:00 (after the 11:00 AM service). This will be an opportunity to learn about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. We hope it will be a joyful and informative meeting.
New members will be installed on Sunday March 23, 2022. If you are considering membership or know of someone who is, please contact the church office. If you can’t make the meeting, let us know and we can work something out.