We are created to be disruptive, to work for justice for all our siblings.
12Then Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who were selling and buying in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. (Matthew 21:12)
Why did Jesus overturn the tables in the temple? People needed to exchange their money and get proper sacrifices and they had traveled from far distances. The money changers and the ability to purchase sacrifices were needed.
Jesus was upset and disruptive by overturning the tables because the people had lost sight of the reason they were even there. The people lost sight of the purpose to give honor and praise to God.
Many of us might say it is not good to be disruptive, but to be disruptive in this context is to do and say what is needed so that all people might experience justice – that all voices be included and listened to at the table- that all people created in God’s image (which is everyone) might experience hope and well-being in the world.
How will you be disruptive this month? How will you speak up and advocate for the least among us? Our siblings in Christ who are struggling in this world are counting on us to advocate on their behalf.
God’s Peace,
Pastor Kristin Hoyer