Classes are designed to meet the early spiritual, social, physical, and intellectual needs of children. A maximum of 16 students per class will be enrolled in our four-year-old Pre-K classes, 14 students in our three-year-old class, and 10 students in our two year old class. There will be a teacher and a teacher's assistant in each classroom. The maximum number of children that the Center will enroll is 60.
Four-Year-Old Pre-K Classes
Our Four-Year-Old Pre-K program is designed for children who turn four by September 30 of the school year. Goals for our Four-year-old Pre-K program include social skills in small and large groups, large motor skills, small motor skills, self-help skills, language development, cognitive development, and other social-personal skills. These goals are met by building upon the foundations from our three-year-old program and expanding the child’s skills for kindergarten readiness.
Four-Year-Old Four-day Class
Monthly Tuition:
$300 Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 12:00 pm
$325 Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 12:30 pm
Three-Year-Old Classes
The Three-year-old program is designed for children who turn three by September 30th of the school year. Goals for the three-year-old program include social skills, large motor skills, small motor skills, self-help skills, language development, cognitive development, and other social-personal skills. These goals are addressed through exploration of centers, circle time, story time, arts and crafts, outdoor play, and small group play.
Three-Year-Old 3-Days Class
Monthly Tuition:
$235 Tues/ Wed/ Thurs 9:00am - 12:00 Noon
$260 Tues/ Wed/ Thurs 9:00am - 12:30pm
Two-Year-Old Classes
The two year old class is designed for children who are turning two by September 30.
For most students, this is their first time away from home and we strive to make it a safe place to learn confidence and a love of play outside of home..
Goals for the two year old class are learning to share, listen to a story, separate from mom/dad, and wait your turn, while exploring God’s world in and around the classroom environment. All of this is accomplished with Circle Time, Art, Music, Chapel, Free Exploration, Story Time within a themed day.
Two-Year-Old 2-Days Classes
Monthly Tuition:
$200 Wed/Thurs 9:00am-12:00pm
$225 Wed/Thurs 9:00am-12:30pm
Two-Year-Old 3-Days Class
Monthly Tuition:
$235 Tues/Wed/Thurs 9:00 am-12:00 noon
$260 Tues/Wed/Thurs 9:00 am-12:30 pm