Our Confirmation Program
Over the years, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church has placed an emphasis on Christian Education, especially Confirmation. We live out the promise we made at the baptism of our young children when we said, “We will faithfully bring them to the service of God’s house, and teach them the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed, and the Ten Commandments.” The past programs are a reflection of that commitment.
Holy Trinity’s Confirmation program for 2022-2023 is a 2-year (7th & 8th grades) weekly program on Wednesday afternoons from 4:30- 6:00pm.
It is our objective to present the following to the 7th and 8th grade class:
Year 1 (2023, 2025): Present and explore readings of Scripture focusing on understanding the history of God’s relationship with his people. We will explore both the Old Testament and New Testament focusing on the story—that is what the Bible tells us, how it informs us about God. In addition, we will spend a considerable amount of time learning about Jesus: who he was, what he taught, and his relationship with God. In addition, we will experience and evaluate the ways Lutherans respond to the grace and love of Jesus Christ given to them in worship, service, and in church membership.
Year 2 (2022, 2024): Present and explore Luther’s small catechism, which highlights the Sacrament of Baptism, the Sacrament of Holy Communion, the Ten Commandments, the Apostle’s Creed, and the Lord’s Prayer. Present and explore the basis tenets of the Lutheran witness including grace, faith, the importance of Scriptures, and the theology presented in the confessions. We will continue to experience and evaluate the ways Lutherans respond to the grace and love of Jesus Christ given to them in worship, service, and in church membership.
All during the year, the confirmands will be expected to attend Sunday worship and Sunday school. We try to schedule a retreat at Mar-Lu-Ridge before Thanksgiving, and other events for the confirmands to participate in. All of these activities will take a commitment from the children, parents, and the Pastor as we strive to provide the best possible opportunity for the confirmands to grow in faith.