Ten Chicks for $10

Chicks As members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), we believe that God is calling us into the world – together. And with generous, loving hands, we can make a difference. Holy Trinity’s Women of the ELCA (WELCA) and Little Blessings Preschool are joining forces again this year to sponsor the ELCA Good Gifts program.

Ten little chicks can make a big difference. Eggs from chickens not only provide an ongoing supply of protein-rich meals for a family, they can also launch a small business that provides a steady source of income.

To participate:

Complete this form:  10 Chicks for 10  Then write a check to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church with “10 Chicks Drive” in the memo section, and drop both in the offering or at the church office. (Preschool parents may give the check to their child’s teacher.)

The Lent 2025 10 Chicks for $10 program will run from 3/9-4/6. Your gifts support the ministries of the ELCA in nearly 80 countries around the world. We look forward to another great response from everyone, so Thank You in advance for your generosity!  Watch the Display in the Commons area to See our Chick Numbers Grow.  

(Last year, the congregational and preschool response was tremendous and we were able to send funds to cover the cost of 1000 baby chicks!)

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