A note from our Council President

The Council has approved Pastor Heidi Schakel Moore as our interim pastor for the summer. Pastor Heidi is an energetic, charismatic pastor with more than 15 years pastoral experience. She believes that God works through her as she lives out her baptismal covenant and call to love God, love people, and make disciples. Pastor Heidi will be joining us beginning on June 1, and will be here through the remainder of the summer. 

As most of you know, I love to fly. And as a pilot, I watch the weather closer than many. After the rains of the past couple weeks, I have seriously considered whether or not I ought to start building some sort of a boat. According to the Channel Four, we only have about 23 or 24 days to go before we hit that magical 40-day mark. While I was watching the rain and wishing for blue skies, I thought about what I could write about this month.

Watching what weather God sends and complaining about it does me no good. If I stop and consider, there are always things to do even when it is raining. I can go visit friends, I can help around the house, and I can get to some of those “honey-do” things which are always present. Instead of complaining, let me find a place to put my energy. In all of life, that is a good way to go. I’ve heard it said that when God closes one door, he opens another. So it is with the weather. If it is raining here, perhaps that rain is raising water tables so that our wells will be full. Perhaps the rain will prevent a forest fire, or a field fire, and save uncounted animals and trees. Just while I was wishing for less rain, I am sure that the people of Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada were praying for more rain to stop the destruction of their town.

In our Congregation, if you feel that things are not going right, don’t just wish for change. To only wish things are different will probably do you little better than me wishing for the sun to shine. If you want some change, or if you wish that something was different, prayerfully consider it. For sure you will receive an answer. Look around, and if you can help someone or suggest a change for the better and make something better by doing so, do it!

Proverbs 14:30 says that “A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.”. We could easily change the word “envy” to discontent and not change the idea of the Proverb.  If you are not happy, take steps to get that way! Blessings to you each one.

John Sapienza

Posted in A Message from the Pastor.