Angel Tree

The response of the congregation to fulfilling the wishes has been amazing.
We have only 10 wishes remaining on the Angel Tree in the gathering area.

Please remember to sign out the wish on the sign-up sheets. We have at present
9 wishes with no names. Please check your ornaments, if you have numbers
39B, 45B, 46A, 49B, 50B, 57B, 62B, 64B, or 65B, contact me either by texting to
Effie DeGroot 703-431-4738 with your info or send her an email:

All wrapped gifts are due no later than Dec. 10 at 11am. Remember to securely attach the ornament to the gift. Gifts can be dropped off at Holy Trinity during the week. The church office hours are Tuesday-Friday 9:30-2:00pm. In addition, special gift drop-off hours will be on Saturday, December 9 from 10:00am-2:00pm (when we will also begin sorting gifts). If you are available to help sort either on the 9th or the 10th, please contact Effie DeGroot. Thank you!

Angel Tree coordinator Effie DeGroot, 703-431-4738,

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