Author Archive: Leesa Bell
Celebration of Marcia Merry’s Last Sunday
Umbrella and Hats Sunday and
Celebration of Marcia Merry’s Last Day
Drive-In Communion Sunday
Coronavirus Update – June 6, 2020
Dear Holy Trinity Family,
I hope you are continuing to stay safe and healthy as our area slowly begins to open up and return to a new version of normal. The Church Council met twice in the month of May to discuss our opening plans as we continue to monitor the climate and do our due diligence. As I’ve said in prior letters, our number one priority is the health and safety of our congregation and the other people using our building.
Northern Virginia officially entered Phase 1 on May 29, 2020. In the plans laid out by Governor Northam, this phase will last anywhere from 2-4 weeks. In early May, the Church Council voted to align our church re-opening with when our area enters Phase 2. At our meeting last week, we also had a
lengthy discussion on how worship will look when we re-open. The Council
decided to purchase a large tent, similar to what would be used for an outdoor
wedding, so that we can hold a full worship service outside on our lawn
(weather permitting). We will also hold multiple services so as to keep our
gathering small, and we will send out additional details (worship times, safety
procedures, etc.) in the near future. In order for proper planning time and
delivery of the new tent, the Council voted to set a tentative start for these
new outdoor worship services for Sunday, July 5, 2020.
This opening date also impacts our scheduled Spring/Summer Congregation Meeting that was originally to be held in June. The new date for this Meeting will be Sunday, July 12, 2020, with an inclement weather date of July 19, 2020. This Meeting is important to our congregation for many reasons, but most notably because this is the time we elect new Council members to replace those whose terms expire on June 30. As this pandemic and church closure is such an unprecedented event, the Council has made the decision to extend the current Council terms by one month. This will prevent a lapse in leadership should something happen that needs leadership review or approval. With the new Congregation Meeting date(s), we will be able to have the newly-elected members at our July Council Meeting (July 21, 2020) and then install the new Council during worship service.
I realize that this is a lot of information, and some of it may not be how you envisioned, but I assure you that the entire Church Council is making each decision with the well-being of our congregation and community at heart. We are blessed that we have been able to continue worshiping with today’s amazing technology. Our drive-in communion services have been a wonderful opportunity to gather in a socially distanced way and feel the love and presence of Jesus in our community.
I am thankful for the flexibility of our Pastor, Staff, Church Council, and the entire congregation as we navigate this new terrain. Our shared devotion and faith in Jesus Christ never cease to amaze me.
In Christ’s name,
Stephanie Bollinger
President of the Church Council
Worship Videos
Visit Pastor Gerry’s Youtube channel to view Sunday Worship Services!
Visit UnSunday School with Sadie & Mrs. Fox
Important – Group Leaders and Mission Partners!
March 19, 2020
Once again, we are faced with the difficult decision to comply with request of our state and local governments to minimize meetings and activities. We understand how important your meeting times are to keep your group together, but we also understand the urgency of the preventive social distancing measures brought by the COVID-19 virus.
Therefore, Church Council has made the decision that our Sunday Worship service on March 22, 2020 will be cancelled and that our building will continue to be closed for all activities through March 28, 2020. We are taking a week-by-week approach in announcing any cancellations so that we ensure we are going by the most current information and are deliberate in making these difficult decisions.
We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause to your group. We invite your comments and suggestions as we both go down this uncertain path together. We pray for you and your groups and hope that the situation shows some positive signs soon.
Reflections for Sunday, March 15
Our Worship Reflections for this Sunday, March 15 are now available on YouTube:
Peace be with you.