Weekly Online Group Discussion

The Gospel of John: One Chapter at a Time

Martin Luther called the Gospel of John the best Gospel in the Bible. Historically, the emphasis has always been on Matthew or the other synoptic gospels, but never John. John is a unique witness and what he says corroborates Jesus’ ministry and helps us understand better the message and context of Jesus’ life.
Starting on Wednesday, September 16th at 7:00pm, Pastor Gerry will host an online weekly Zoom group discussion to study the Gospel of John, one chapter at a time.This should prove to be not only informative but enlightening as well. It will also be a way to keep Scripture in your life and interact “socially” as a group. Since we aren’t able to meet in-person for a while, Pastor thought this was the next best thing.
We will publish the the information for the Zoom chat room on our website and in the weekly bulletins as it gets closer. We look forward to you joining us!
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