Join us in mission!

If you view the church community as an organism that shares its faith in Jesus Christ and you believe that our community has done that with you, then we welcome you to join with us on that common mission. In 1 Corinthians 12:12-14 Paul writes:
For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body – Jews or Greeks, slaves or free – and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but of many.
We invite all people that are part of our extended family to consider joining our mission of sharing faith in Jesus Christ. We know that you will be helped by our faith and we know that we will be helped by yours. We will be having a membership meeting on November 24, 2019 at 12:00 and we will install new members during worship on December 1, 2019. If you are interested, please let Pastor Gerry know.

Stewardship Campaign & Consecration Sunday Luncheon

John 15:4: ‘Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.’
This is our theme for our 2019 Stewardship campaign. Please pray and think about what it means for you to abide in the vine and how you are called to support our church financially. Everyone in our church community will be doing the same.
This week you should have received the stewardship packet in the mail. Please look it over and join with us as we reflect on the gifts we have been given. We will have a temple talk today and on the 17th.
On Sunday November 17, 2019 we will have a Consecration Luncheon Celebration after worship. This year, we are planning a lasagna (or Italian) Potluck Lunch. Sign up at the Welcome Center for items that you may wish to bring. We look forward to having this meal of celebration of what we are as a community of faith. Please mark the 17thof November on your calendar and join us.

Guys Night

Come hang out with Holy Trinity Guys at Buffalo Wild Wings on Friday, November 15, 2019 from 7:30 to 10:00-ish. The Caps will be playing the Montreal Canadians (eh) on the big screen. Do you know that there are many young families and young adults who are part of our congregation, but we never get a chance to meet each other, other than Sunday. We’ll take this opportunity to share a beer, see Pastor Gerry in his Caps jersey (maybe), and meet some good guys. Be a part of what is good about our congregation: its people. Hope to see you there. Go Caps!

Loudoun Hunger Relief

Thanksgiving Dinner Bag Drive.   Please return your donations to Holy Trinity by Sunday,November 17, 2019.

Pack a reusable bag with:

  • Stuffing Mix
  • 4 cans of vegetables
  • Boxed Potatoes
  • Gravy
  • Cornbread or biscuit mix
  • cranberry sauce
  • dessert mix / ingredients
  • Nothing perishable, please
  • Put a $10 grocery store gift card in a separate envelope, not in the bag

Sunday School

All grades PreK—12 will meet in the Fellowship Hall for opening activities.
Ages 3-Grade 5: ~ After Sunday School opening, our preschool and elementary students will move to their classrooms to learn about Queen Esther.
Grades 6 & 7  will join Grades 8-12 as we continue to learn about the Reformation from our guest speaker, CJ Murphy.


In the Adult Sunday School forum, we will talk about the Theology of Saints (Holy Ones) and include some examples of witnesses of faith through the ages. Come join us for this discussion.
Confirmation News:
Who is King? Confirmation Retreat
The confirmation class will be going to Mar-Lu-Ridge from Friday November 22, 2019 to Sunday November 24 for a Confirmation retreat. The cost of the retreat is $75.00. We will need parents to help in providing transportation, a Sunday morning leader, and cooking Friday night. Please make sure that you have signed up by providing a check to Pastor Gerry. If you can help in any way, please let Pastor know.

Barn Dance

Saturday November 9
at the Bland Farm

Mark your calendar now for an exciting evening of fun for all! A potluck dinner, intergenerational dancing, a bonfire, and lots of fellowship!

Wednesday Night, LIVE!

Wednesday Night, LIVE! ~ Starting November 6
Choirs, Fellowship, Food!
This fun evening of music and fellowship has been a Holy Trinity tradition for more than 20 years. If you are in Joyful Noise (Children’s Choir Grades K-5), Bell or Chancel Choir (adult), or just don’t feel like cooking, plan to join us on Wednesday evening for dinner. There is no need to bring anything. Meals will be ready and a freewill offering will be collected to defray the cost of the food. Each week the dinner menu will be sent out and we simply ask that you let us know if you plan to attend. (Even if you forget to tell us, we still would love to have you!) The schedule for the evening is as follows:
5:45-6:15 PM Dinner
6:15-7:00 PM Joyful Noise (Grades K-5)
7:15-8:00 PM Bell Choir (Grade 6-Adult)
7:15-8:30 PM Chancel Choir (Adults)

For more information contact Nancy Fox (703-777-4912x3) or email us at

Reformation Faire

Reformation Faire!
Sunday, October 27
10:30 a.m.-Noon
All are invited to join as we remember the people, places, sights and sounds of the Reformation. There will be games, crafts, special music, and special treats!
Join us Sunday, Oct. 27 for a worship service including special musical offerings and the Gifting of Bibles to our 3rd Grade Sunday School Students.
Remember to wear red!