Mobile Hope

Each month we prepare and serve hot meals on the Mobile Hope bus in Lucketts, VA. Mobile Hope is a local non-profit that supports children and young adults (24 years of age and younger) who are precariously housed, homeless, or at risk, living in Loudoun County. They work to change the future one child at a time, providing clothing, food, hygiene items, medical referrals, housing referrals etc.
Wednesday, November 20, 6:00—8:00 PM:
Prepare meals in the kitchen at HTLC
Thursday, November 21, 6-7:30 PM :
Distribute meals on the Mobile Hope Bus in Lucketts
Cookie bakers are also needed each month to bake cookies in their home and deliver to the church on Mobile Hope delivery Thursdays!
No experience is required and all are welcome!
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