Table for Five Thousand

The Children’s Choirs of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church present…
Table for Five Thousand

by Tom S. Long and Allen Pote

Sunday, April 30

as part of our 9:30AM Worship Service

Found in all four New Testament gospels, the story reveals how one young boy with five loaves of bread and two fish, along with his apparent willingness to share, led to an event so startling that members of the crowd wanted to proclaim Jesus as King. Later, the event revealed an even greater truth as Jesus told his disciples, “I am the Bread of Life. Those who come to me will never go hungry.”  The musical remains true to the Biblical accounts while underlining the theme that the most humble among us – especially children – can do great things with God’s help.
~~ The Choristers Guild ~~


The Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Children’s Choir is made up of 20 children in Kindergarten through 5th grade. Our Youth Choir is composed of 7 Middle School and High School students. These choirs provide musical offerings to Holy Trinity Worship services approximately once a month, and present a musical each spring. The Children’s Choir rehearses each Wednesday night November through April as part of Holy Trinity’s Wednesday Night, LIVE! (WNL) program. WNL is an intergenerational ministry for adults and children. The evening provides an informal atmosphere to grow in faith and experience Christian fellowship thru shared meals, Children’s Choirs, Adult Choir, Middle School & High School Chimes and various outreach efforts. The Youth Choir rehearses on Sundays before the Worship service.

Make a Joyful Noise

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

I have been overwhelmed with the greetings and enthusiasm that I have experienced in my first week here at Holy Trinity. Ok, one would expect that people would greet me and say something nice, like, “We are glad you are here.” But that is not what I am hearing. People are talking to me about their hopes and dreams and what we could do and be as this mission of Jesus Christ in Leesburg. You all have greeted me with excitement and eagerness in a way that makes me feel that this has all been worked out already. To say this another way, the Holy Spirit is somewhere in this process of transition, and truth be told---I am so glad to be here to be a part of it!

So, I had a little epiphany that I want to share with you. As you know, I was here in 1997 with Pastor Wuebbens. As a parting gift, he and Anne gave me a calligraphy picture of the first line of Psalm 100: “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.” Both Pastor and I enjoy music, but that was not a big thing for us to share. So, the selection of this psalm was a little strange, but maybe it was the best-looking picture or he picked it for some other reason besides the joyful music message. I have always had that picture in my church office to remind me of him and my experience at Holy Trinity.

Then when I got the picture out to put it on the wall (Please come and see it!). I stopped in my tracks. It didn’t say make joyful music – it said make joyful noise.

What if the noise is not meant as music? What if it meant make a sound – make a difference – create some- thing that shares God’s glory – JOYFUL NOISE!

Suddenly that was not just a psalm anymore – it was a prophecy. We need to make joyful noise. I am so impressed with the skills and talents of the people here, especially the staff. I am so impressed with the devotion – you guys installed your own pipe organ. My goodness you have fire here. We have been making joyful noise and we are called to continue to make more joyful noise. To me that means that we need to make a difference in our lives of faith and in the lives of faith of others, the families in our preschool, the young adults of our families, our neighbors, Helen and Joe (from the sermon), our community, our schools, and whoever else God puts in our path. We need to make a difference.

I am so excited with that charge. I am excited to talk to the preschool families. I am so excited to visit aging members. I am so excited to talk to people in our community. I am so excited to connect with people that I knew for a year, twenty years ago. I am so excited to have the opportunity to do cottage meetings (meeting of a group of people in someone’s home for me to listen to their hopes and dreams). I am so excited to plan a Church Council retreat. I am so excited and energized with every meeting and conversation I have with the ministers (staff and leaders) that I share God’s ministry here at Holy Trinity.

“Make a joyful noise to the Lord.” Yep. We will do just that. We are on that already. Thank you for allow- ing me to be a part of something so exciting! The Holy Spirit is with you – I feel its presence. More joyful noise is on the way!

Pastor Gerry Johnson

Easter Breakfast & Egg Hunt

All are invited to join us Easter Sunday morning between 8:00 am – 9:30 am for a full breakfast in the Commons and Fellowship Hall.

Children age 2-Grade 5 are invited to meet in the Gathering Area following the 9:30 Easter worship service for an Easter Egg Hunt. Plan to bring your Easter basket for collecting! The hunt will be held rain or shine!

Lenten Reflections

Exactly, what is it about Jesus, anyway?

Maybe that is not the way you would ask the question.  But that would be the way that you would hear it asked by someone who can’t see a way to make a connection to God. For us, we can easily get distracted or just lose focus about what exactly Jesus is all about. Lent is a time of reflection and re-connecting to the core of our faith in Jesus Christ.  Come let us sharpen our faith together with the Noon on Wednesday Reflections.  In these three short reflections we will highlight the central point of what Jesus is really about for us and for others that ask us.


            March 22

            March 29

            April 5

Joyful Celebration

April 9, 2017  4:00 p.m.

Please join us in the joyful celebration of the Installation of our new pastor, Gerry Johnson.

Pastor Lynn Miller, The Potomac Conference Dean, will officiate. 

New Sunday Morning Schedule

Beginning Sunday, February 12, we will offer one worship service at 9:30 AM with Christian Education and Fellowship Hour following at 10:45 AM. Kori Lord, our wonderful paid nursery attendant, will continue to be available for nursery care during the new worship time.

While it may seem counterintuitive, we have combined the worship services so that the energy and excitement can be consolidated. When visitors come to check us out, we hope they will stay and accept the invitation to be a part of the ministry here at Holy Trinity.

This schedule will be in effect through August. It will be reevaluated at the end of the summer or when our new permanent pastor is able to help us review it. We appreciate the challenges and sacrifices that some families will be making to support this move.

Please contact Congregation Council President John Sapienza, or any other Council or Staff member, with questions you may have.

We Welcome New Members

The Connections team welcomes new Members to our community of faith in the New Year!

January 22, after the 11:00 Worship Service, Join us for “Pizza with Pastor.”  Pastor Heidi and lay leaders will be available to talk about Holy Trinity programs and answer questions while everyone enjoys some food and beverages.

February 5, 2017 is our next New Member Sunday.  We’ll have a special welcome during worship, followed by our yearly “Chili Fest.”  Each new member will have a sponsor who will get to know the family prior to New Member Sunday, and help introduce our new member(s) to other members.  The sponsor will continue as a contact for the new family to alert them to upcoming HTLC events through the coming year.

If you are willing to consider being a sponsor and/or helping with the “Pizza with Pastor” event, please contact Laurie Dieffenbach ( or Gretchen Luebbe ( If you would like to become a member of Holy Trinity at this time, please speak with Pastor Heidi. (


Children’s Time in Worship

Little Children, Parents, Teens and Adults all enjoy seeing how Pastor Heidi turns the “Basket Surprise” into this week’s Children Sermon!   Each week a different child gets to bring in the special basket, with an item they’ve chosen to “Stump the Pastor.”   The result… lots of smiles, and a surprisingly good tie in with the Gospel!  We invite all children and their families to join us each Sunday at 8:30 am or 11:00 am for Sunday Worship!  All are Welcome!


Welcome to Worship for K & 1

A special Learning Opportunity  Sunday, October 16

All Kindergarten and First grade students and their families are invited to join us for lunch and the opportunity to learn more about worship. Don’t miss this fun and informative opportunity to learn about the “Rhythm of Worship.  In addition each child will receive a special “worship tote” to bring to church.

Taking Our Community from Good to Great

On Saturday, October 1, the worshiping community of Holy Trinity will gather in the fellowship hall for a one-day intensive leadership workshop. Held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., this time will focus on our ability to accept differences and to lead based on our strengths and mission as we strive to create a healthy congregation. The cost is $10 per person to cover lunch, snacks and materials.   AND INVITE FRIENDS!!!  The concepts and techniques that we will be talking about can be used in any community and are of benefit to all, especially those in leadership roles no matter where they are.   Sign up on the board on Sunday or email Pastor Heidi at to join the group.