If you can breathe, you can sing!

Thank-you, Chancel Choir, & Happy Summer Break!

Big thanks go to the Chancel Choir, for all the special music, September through May. After singing June 4 (Pentecost) and June 11 (Trinity Sunday,) the Choir gets a well-deserved break until September.

Chancel Choir mid-week rehearsals resume Wednesday, September 6 at 7:15PM. All are welcome! Plus, if you can’t make Wednesdays, we can provide music in advance, and you can run-through it Sun- day mornings. Our motto: If you can breathe, you can sing!

Calling all Summer Singers & Instrumentalists!

You, your visiting relatives and friends, are most welcome to provide any music contributions to Summer worship services, that you would enjoy doing. Solos, duets (trios and more)— vocal and instrumental are all invited. Your talents are most appreciated. Contact us on dates and music ideas.

Luther Hymn for the Summer:

“Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice”

Our monthly “Luther hymn,” in commemoration of the 500th Luther Anniver- sary year, will be one from the 1524 Wittenberg hymnal (the first published hymnal,) “Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice.” We will stretch it out over June, July and August, using its 10 verses in various ways. Luther wrote them all, setting them to a melody he claimed he heard from a traveling minstrel.

Have a look at the text of the eight stanzas in the hymnal (ELW 594,) in which you find the story—to be sung with joy and spirit– of Jesus’ coming, death, resurrection, and gift of salvation. ‘Rejoice….God be praised forever!”

Marcia Merry, Organist / Choir Director

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