Children’s Christmas Program

Join us Sunday, December 20, 2015 at 11:00 am for the Children’s Christmas Program!  (As part of our 11:00 am Worship Service)
This year’s program is the “drawkcaB Christmas Pageant.”   When one of the “wise people” needs to leave the pageant early because of a soccer game, the whole program needs to be done backwards. Don’t miss this special worship opportunity where our Sunday School children will present the Christmas story in reverse.  Be surprised by how much we can learn about God’s timeless love and grace.

You are invited to bring your family and friends to see our young people share the Good News.   All are welcome to come, enjoy, and Worship.

Learn more about our Children’s Christmas Program

White House Band & Steeple Dedication


Please join us

Sunday, Dec. 3, 2017, 5:00 pm

for a

“White House Christmas”


Back for their 3rd year, these eight former military virtuosos get together for exciting music, and tales of how they played for holidays at the White House! Led by master trumpeter, Dave Detwiler. Young jazz musicians from the community will also participate. Come one, come all! Aid goes to hurricane relief.  Information: 703 777 4912

Following the Concert:  Steeple Dedication

Celebrate the repair and re-lighting of the steeple with Christmas music by candlelight.  Light refreshments will be served i the commons after the dedication of the steeple.

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 605 W. Market St., Leesburg, VA 20176



Celebrate the Holidays at Holy Trinity!

Christmas Eve, December 24

4:00 pm Family Service with Preschool Living Nativity

7:00 pm Festival Choral Eucharist with Children’s Choirs

11:00 pm Festival Choral Eucharist with CHancel Choir


First Sunday after Christmas, December 27

10:00 am Christmas Lessons and Carols


New Year’s Eve, December 31

7:30 pm Watch Night Service


Keep awake therefore, for you do know neither the day nor the hour.
Matthew 25:13


It has often been pointed out that there are two kinds of time.  Chronos or chronological time is marked by seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and years.  Chronos time is about the past or the future.    

In contrast, kairos time cannot be pinned down.  Kairos time is the moment of opportunity—the time appointed by God.  And here’s the paradox about kairos time; precisely because kairos time cannot be pinned down, it is a moment in the here and now

Most of us spend our lives driven by chronos time.  We are either looking back at the past, regretting what we did or didn’t do, or forward to the future, fretting about what we need to do next.  This is particularly true of the days leading up to the holidays.  Retailers count down the number of shopping days before Christmas.  They urge us to take advantage of the time limited Black Friday or Cyber Monday sales.  According to these voices the clock is ticking and if we don’t hurry we will miss out. 

Driven by chronos time, the holidays become the season of busyness.  There are parties to host and to attend.  There are gifts to buy.  There are trips to plan.  There are lights to be hung and trees to trim.  There are phone calls to make and e-mails to send.  The list of holiday “to do’s” is endless.   

As a result, the holidays become a source of stress.  The pressure of trying to get it all done, and get it all done just right creates a situation in which we are either regretting the past or fretting about the future.  Existing in chronos time alone rob us of the joy of the season. 

What if, just for a moment each day this holiday season, we set aside our obsession with chronos time?   What if, just for a moment, we ceased all activity and entered intentionally into kairos time?  What might we discover? 

Entering into kairos time can be as simple as pausing for a moment and asking yourself Where is God for me in the here and now?”  Maybe you will discover that God is speaking to you through the brilliant blue winter sky or the sparkle in your child’s eye.  Maybe you will hear the voice of God as you pause to listen to the words of a Christmas carol.  Maybe you will feel the love of God as a stranger warmly greets you and lends a helping hand.   

Paying attention to the presence of God in the here and now, entering into kairos time, is simple but not easy in a chronos driven world.  It is spiritual ninja work.  Perhaps that is why the gospels urge us to keep awake, to watch, and to wait attentively.  For as the poet Ann Weems reminds us, “God will be where God will be.”  If we are not attuned to God in the here and now, if we are stuck in the past or caught up in the future, we will miss the coming of God in the present moment.     

My hope and prayer for all of us is that, amidst the busyness of this season, God will grace your days with moments of kairos time in which we know the joy of the season.   

 Pastor Margrethe 



Outreach ~ Advent Adventure

Sunday, November 29, 9:45–10:45 AM

Location: The Commons

Come and join us for decorating small Christmas trees for the homebound! Bring your own decorations, or use the craft supplies provided. There will be seasonal music, treats, and fellowship for all ages.

*There will not be traditional Sunday School on November 29! Please do not drop off your children, as this family event takes the place of Sunday School.

November 22 Hymn Festival

Through the Church the Song Goes On… A Hymn Festival with Readings, Choir, and Instruments!

Sunday, November 22, 10:00 AM

Mark your calendars now for a morning of celebrating our heritage of faith through communal song! Our songs will be enhanced by choirs, organ and instruments – a wonderful cacophony of sound raised to God’s glory!

Hearth and Home


Let us build a house where love can dwell and all can safely live,

a place where saints and children tell how hearts learn to forgive.

Built of hopes and dreams and visions, rock of faith and vault of grace;

here the love of Christ shall end divisions;

All are welcome, all are welcome,

All are welcome in this place.1

The council and representatives from the transition team had a wonderful retreat at the end of August.  For one activity we broke into three groups.  Each group chose a biblical story it felt Holy Trinity Lutheran Church was living and paired it with a hymn.

One group felt the story of Jesus blessing the children (Mark 10:13-16) best exemplified our community and chose Marty Haugen’s hymn, All Are Welcome as our theme song.  Another group selected the hymn, A Mighty Fortress is Our God, and referenced Ephesians 6:10-18 in which Paul encourages Christians to put on the whole armor of God.  The final group said the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) described our community of faith.

There is a common thread.  A Mighty Fortress is our God describes a safe haven, a God who will protect and defend us.  The story of Jesus blessing the children is about welcome and finding a home in the arms of Jesus.  And, the story of the Prodigal Son is a story about coming home to the welcoming and forgiving Father.  All of these stories describe home in some way.

The consistency is fascinating.  One of the findings of the CAT survey is that Holy Trinity is a Hearth and Home congregation.  As a community of faith, we “value structure and stability” and serve “as guardians of honored traditions of the church, as a shelter from the frenetic pace of change in the world.”  We offer a place for people “to come home to”.  This can be a gift to many in our northern Virginia mission context where many are transient.  This is a faith community that has “the expectations and rewards of a family.” These are our strengths.2

Equally striking is that the Bible story illustrating the both the promise and the peril of a Hearth and Home congregation is the story of the Prodigal Son, one of the stories chosen by retreat participants.  The promise, of course, is that like the forgiving and loving father in the story, we will open our arms and our hearts to everyone looking for a home, regardless of their background.   Like the father in the story, we will defy convention to welcome the lost.   We will take whatever risks necessary to share the love of Jesus with the world.

Yet, since Hearth and Home congregations value structure, stability and tradition, the peril is that we can get caught up in judging others and enforcing the rules, much like the elder brother in the story.   We may resist opening our hearts to those who are different, or who bring different gifts to our community, because to do so would mean we would have to change.3

One of the gifts the CAT survey offers is the gift of self-knowledge.  Knowing our strengths and our weaknesses allows us to choose more wisely.   When confronted with a decision we may want to ask ourselves, are we behaving like the loving father?   Or like the elder brother?   Such self-knowledge may help us discern what kind of a home, what kind of a community, God is urging us to become.

Let us build a house where all are named, their songs and visions heard

and loved and treasured, taught and claimed as words within the Word.

Built of tears and cries and laughter, prayer of faith and songs of grace,

let this house proclaim from floor to rafter:

All are welcome, all are welcome,

All are welcome in this place.4


Pastor Margrethe

1Marty Haugen, All Are Welcome. Text and music © 1994 GIA Publications, Inc., 7404 S. Mason Ave., Chicago, IL 60638. 800.442.3358. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

2Russell Crabtree, Owl Sight, Magi Press; 1st edition (2012)


4Marty Haugen, All Are Welcome, op. cit.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Starting Sunday, October 25th, Christmas Stocking kits will be available. The kits are brown bags that contain a Christmas stocking, a list of gift ideas, and directions for filling and returning the stocking to church by Sunday, November 8th. The recipients of the stockings are children from ages 2-12. The Loudoun County Holiday Coalition will distribute the stockings in early December. Unwrapped gifts for infants, teens, seniors, and persons with disabilities are also welcome.

This is Holy Trinity’s tenth year participating in this community outreach program. We hope to exceed 1000 stockings for our total number of stockings donated by Holy Trinity and Little Blessings Preschool since 2006!

If you would prefer, a basket will be available for goodwill donations – we will fill the stocking for you!

Reformation Sunday Review

We Celebrated Reformation Sunday, October 25

Glorious music was provided by our  ‘B’Orchestra’—Band/Orchestra, including musicians from Holy Trinity and some community friends.

The Combined Men’s and Chancel Choir provided a beautiful rendition of  “Built on a Rock.”

A huge thank you to Nancy Fox, Marcia Merry, and all of the musicians for making our Reformation Sunday a musical celebration!