Winter Choir Festival

A Choral Tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sunday, January 14, 4:00PM

Leesburg Community Church

835 Lee Avenue, SW, Leesburg

Our Youth Choir and Joyful Noise Choir will combine to perform a beautiful hymn tune, in both English and Swahili, for the “Lift Every Voice” Hymn Festival, honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The event, featuring many area church and community choirs, is coordinated by the Loudoun Chorale, with a grant from the Leesburg Commission on Public Art. Six of our adult singers will also perform for the occasion, as members of the Loudoun Chorale. A turn – out of 600 is expected, in what now is a traditional event, after its start at Holy Trinity three years ago. Plan to attend this lovely and meaningful festival.

Reception to follow.  (Freewill offering.)


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