Wish List for Little Blessings Preschool

Looking to spread Christmas cheer to little learners? Little Blessings Preschool could really use supplies from our wish list to create a joyful learning environment this holiday season! Shop our list here

Did you know that you do not have to purchase from Amazon? If you find the exact item at another retailer, simply mark the item off our list as purchased elsewhere.

THANK YOU for supporting our little ones and the teachers.  Your generosity is so appreciated.

Women of the ELCA

Join us for our next meetings on Tuesdays, December 3 and January 7 @ 10am

WELCA’s November meeting was held on Election Day ’24. We had 10 members present plus the wonderful addition of (recently turned) 90 year old Betty Schafer, an original Holy Trinity WELCA member. Thank you to Kim Mill for being Betty’s transportation to our meeting.

Prayers were offered for a safe and positive national election as well as for Pastor Kristin’s son, Joseph, who that day was undergoing ACL surgery in Maryland.

Outreach:  Sandwiches were made for the Loudoun homeless shelter and were delivered by Anne Wohlford after the meeting. The members present voted to increase our monthly number of sandwiches made to 24. It was also agreed that at our December 3rd meeting, that each member would bring 1 dozen homemade cookies to share with the men and women at the homeless shelter. We also voted to donate $150 from our treasury to purchase gifts from the Angel Tree. Pat Bailey will purchase these gifts.

Book Study:  Cathy Root and Pat Bailey led the group through Chapters 4 (“Be a ‘Long Haul Hero’”) and Chapter 5 (“Pay the Role”) from our book study (Drew Dyck’s Just Show Up). A lively discussion followed. For December, we will have only chapter 6 to read – “Just Crack Open Your Bible”.

We welcome any women from our Holy Trinity congregation to join us!

Pat Bailey, President

Men’s Breakfast

Second Tuesday of Every Month

9:00 am

IHOP – 980 Edwards Ferry Road, NE Leesburg

Join friends in a great conversation and fellowship over *arguably* the best meal of the day – Breakfast!

Next meeting:  Tuesday, December 10, IHOP, 980 Edwards Ferry Road, NE Leesburg

Angel Tree gifts for community

Poinsettia Dedications

Help decorate the Sanctuary with a poinsettia plant.

$15 each or 2 for $28

Bring your plant home after the 7:30 pm Christmas Eve Service or after the 10:00 am Lessons & Carols service the following Sunday. You may also opt to contribute only to the flower/decorations fund.  Order forms are available at church, or you may Download and print one here: paper form.

Outreach – Donate!


In a spirit of generosity, the Social Ministry invites you to partake in the noble endeavor of collecting Thanksgiving meal items over the next 20 days, ensuring that families in need can revel in a bountiful holiday feast.

We kindly ask you to consider donating the following:

  • cans of pumpkin, green beans, corn, sweet potato, gravy, cranberries
  • boxes of cornbread mix, stuffing, pie crusts
  • bags of marshmallows
  • mashed potato packets
  • gift cards for a turkey

Golden carts will be stationed to graciously receive your heartfelt contributions.

Thank you for your kindness in advance.

Wednesday Night, LIVE!!

Choirs, Fellowship, Food!

This fun evening of music and fellowship has been a Holy Trinity tradition for more than 20 years.  If you are in Joyful Noise (Children’s Choir Grades K-5,) Handbells (Grade 6-Adult,) or Confirmation, or just don’t feel like cooking, plan to join us on Wednesday evening for dinner.  There is no need to bring anything.  Meals will be ready and a freewill offering will be collected to defray the cost of the food.  Each week the dinner menu will be sent out and we simply ask that you let us know if you plan to attend.  (Even if you forget to tell us, we still would love to have you!)  We Started November 13, 2024, and will continue thru the spring.

The schedule for the evening is as follows:

4:30-5:30pm Confirmation (Youth)

5:30 – 6:00 pm Dinner (Freewill offering to defray the cost of dinner)

6:00 – 6:50pm  Children’s Choir – Sing & Ring  (Grades K-5)

7-8:00 pm Hand Bell Choir (Middle School – Adult)

Youth Singers & Youth Group

See the Full Schedule for 2024-25 HERE

Sunday, November 17

10:00 am Sing for Worship

5:00-6:00 pm Youth Singers Rehearsal

6:00-6:30 Dinner

6:30-7:30 Youth Group

Sunday, December 1

4:00 pm Community Carol Sing (3:30 Report Time)

Sunday, December 15

Youth Christmas Party

5:00-6:00 pm Youth Singers Rehearsal

6:00-8:00 pm  Party

Christmas Eve, December 24

7:30 pm Youth Singers at WORSHIP! (Report Time: 7:00 pm)


All MIDDLE and HIGH SCHOOL Youth are invited and encouraged to attend!

YOUTH SINGERS is a vocal group that rehearses once a month on Sunday evenings before Youth group and sings for worship approximately once a month! We have a lot of fun and all Middle and High School students are invited to join us!! No previous experience is necessary!

YOUTH GROUP meets once a month on Sunday evenings and for other scheduled activities. All Middle and High School Youth are invited to join us for fun, games, God talk and prayer!