Trinity Ringers Handbells

Handbells Program – Two Rehearsals, then Play at Worship
Each set includes:
  • Two rehearsals
  • One worship performance
Rehearsal Schedule
  • April:  Wednesday evenings
  • May:  After Worship
You may sign up for as many sets as you’d like.  Newcomers (middle school through adult) are always welcome.

Ten Chicks for $10

Chicks As members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), we believe that God is calling us into the world – together. And with generous, loving hands, we can make a difference. Holy Trinity’s Women of the ELCA (WELCA) and Little Blessings Preschool are joining forces again this year to sponsor the ELCA Good Gifts program.

Ten little chicks can make a big difference. Eggs from chickens not only provide an ongoing supply of protein-rich meals for a family, they can also launch a small business that provides a steady source of income.

To participate:

Complete this form:  10 Chicks for 10  Then write a check to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church with “10 Chicks Drive” in the memo section, and drop both in the offering or at the church office. (Preschool parents may give the check to their child’s teacher.)

The Lent 2025 10 Chicks for $10 program will run from 3/9-4/6. Your gifts support the ministries of the ELCA in nearly 80 countries around the world. We look forward to another great response from everyone, so Thank You in advance for your generosity!  Watch the Display in the Commons area to See our Chick Numbers Grow.  

(Last year, the congregational and preschool response was tremendous and we were able to send funds to cover the cost of 1000 baby chicks!)

Classics Senior Adult Group

The Classics Lunch and Games


Contact Peggy Everhart ( with
questions or to confirm your attendance and payment by April 27th.
Checks can be made out to Peggy.

We’d love your ideas for future events— feel free to take the lead!

Any questions?

Women of the ELCA

We meet on the 1st Tuesdays of each month. (Our next meeting is April 1 | 10:00 AM )
All women are welcome!
Join us for an ongoing book study (this year it is Drew Deck’s Just Show Up.).
Holy Trinity Women of the ELCA outreach:
In the fall we spearheaded an  “accident” clothes collection for Frederick Douglass. In March we will launch our  “Ten Chicks for $10” project –  to aid the ELCA Good Gifts overseas outreach.  Last year we raised $1000!  Dates for the Chicks collection will be March 9 through April 6.

We welcome any women from our Holy Trinity congregation to join us!

Pat Bailey, President

Vacation Bible School

VBS at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church!

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Leesburg, Virginia, invites you to participate in our 2025 Vacation Bible School, Egypt! Joseph's Journey  from Prison to Palace! We will explore our Bible stories through art, movement, drama and music.  And of course there will be time for snack and recreation!
Our week of VBS will be July 7-11, 2025 and will run from 9:00 AM - Noon. The week will culminate with a Sunday Worship Celebration on July 13 at 10:00 AM!

Space is limited!  Registration is open until we reach capacity.  


Children who are turning 3 by September 1, 2025

Campers:  Rising Pre-K thru 5th graders

Join us for  Storytelling,  Crafts, Games, Snacks, and  Music!  ( Pre-K students must be 4 by September 30, 2025.) 

Junior Crew   

A special program for rising 6th graders:

  • Includes opportunities to learn leadership skills.
  • Provides hands on experience volunteering in different aspects of Vacation Bible School.
  • Incorporates Bible learning and age appropriate crafts.

Youth and Adult Volunteers

Choose from a variety of volunteer positions including Craft Leader / Assistant, Story Teller / Assistant, Snack Leader / Assistant, Recreation Assistant, Crew Leader / Assistant, Nursery, or Office Assistant. 


Fill out the form below to register to participate in  Egypt! Joseph's Journey  from Prison to Palace!    A registration fee of $35 per child ($45 after June 1) will be collected to cover the purchasing of materials and can be sent via mail or electronically through the online giving portal.
Participant Form:  WeeBS, and Grades Preschool-5 and Junior Crew (Rising 6th graders)
Volunteer Registration:  Rising 7th graders - Adults


Men’s Breakfast

Second Tuesday of Every Month

(March 11 & April 8th are next!)

9:00 am

IHOP – 980 Edwards Ferry Road, NE Leesburg

Join friends in a great conversation and fellowship over *arguably* the best meal of the day – Breakfast!

Ash Wednesday Services March 5

Ash Wednesday Worship – Wednesday, March 5

Join us as we begin Lent with the Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion at two service times:

12:00 Noon – Soup & Salad Lunch to follow

6:30 pm – Baked Potato and Salad Bar from 5:30 – 6:30 pm (A freewill offering will be collected)

Confirmation Retreat

Theme: My Faith, Our Faith

An interactive day or overnight of fun and learning with other confirmation students from across the Delaware-Maryland and Metro DC Synods. With group building and outdoor activities (team-building, low-ropes course, hiking, and/or archery!) led by trained MLR staff and Confirmation sessions led by Pr. Kristin Hoyer (Holy Trinity, Leesburg, VA) and Pr. Josh Wullenweber (New Jerusalem, Lovettsville, VA), this retreat is sure to be a hit!

⏰ Please let Pastor Kristin know if you will be attending by Sunday, February 16. Please give all checks/cash to her, and checks can be written to HTLC memo: Confirmation Retreat.

You will also need to have

  • Updated Health Form – yes, everyone!
  • Permission Form
  • Additional MLR forms

But for now – an email 📧 and the funds 💲 secure your spot to PK.

Learn more about Mar-Lu-Ridge at their website

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

I’ve been going to MLR for 25 years….

God’s Peace, Pastor Kristin

Mowing Season

2025 Mowing Season

For the past 14 years volunteers have been mowing the grass at a considerable savings to HTLC. Two riding mowers, fuel and other equipment is provided.

This year’s schedule starts on March 24 and ends on Oct 19 with 14 two week team cycles. 3 /4 person teams are scheduled and based on the number of volunteers. Each team usually mows 3 times a year which can be done any time during the 2 week cycle. We only mow if needed.

In 2024 we had 4 teams consisting of 3 people of which 1 team was a complete family. On job training is provided at no additional cost.

If you are interested in maintaining the beauty of our Church grounds and getting outside during the Summer please contact me at or 540-338-4669. Or contact the church office and I will be in touch.

Thanks again for considering this important program. Jim Truxel

Youth Singers & Youth Group

See the Full Schedule for 2024-25 HERE

Saturday, February 22 ~ 5-8 pm
We will meet in the Sanctuary to put the final touches on our Youth Sunday Service!
Please plan to join us for the entire evening so that we can make sure we bring our best to worship
the next day!

Sunday, February 23 ~ 10:00 am

Our AMAZING YOUTH will be leading us in worship! Plan to come and be inspired by their spirit!

All MIDDLE and HIGH SCHOOL Youth are invited and encouraged to attend!

YOUTH SINGERS is a vocal group that rehearses once a month on Sunday evenings before Youth group and sings for worship approximately once a month! We have a lot of fun and all Middle and High School students are invited to join us!! No previous experience is necessary!

YOUTH GROUP meets once a month on Sunday evenings and for other scheduled activities. All Middle and High School Youth are invited to join us for fun, games, God talk and prayer!