Sunday, June 9, After Worship
Potluck Picnic
Sunday, June 9, After Worship
Potluck Picnic
The Children’s Choirs of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church present:
Sunday, May 5, 11:00 am
Plan to join us as our Joyful Noise Children’s Choir presents the wonderful story of Nicodemus’s encounter with Jesus at night! You won’t want to miss the suspense as we encounter Secret Disciples, a caterpillar, the Sanhedrin and most importantly, Jesus. This is a GREAT opportunity to invite your friends and neighbors to visit our congregation. It’s not a worship service, but with are sure God will be with us!
The Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Children’s Choir is made up of children in Kindergarten through 5th grade. The children provide musical offerings during Holy Trinity worship services approximately once a month, and present a musical each spring. The group rehearses each Wednesday night, as part of Holy Trinity’s Wednesday Night, LIVE! (WNL) program. WNL is an intergenerational ministry for adults and children. The evening provides an informal atmosphere to grow in faith and experience Christian fellowship through shared meals, Children’s Choirs, Adult Choir, Bell Choir and various outreach efforts.
Volunteering for this mission is open to every member of the congregation and we encourage you to give your time and talents to help the homeless, precariously housed, and food insecure kids in our community. All ARE WELCOME! Any questions or to volunteers, contact Amy Miller at 703-297-9220.