Jan. 17 - Prayer:  Oriented Toward God

Jan. 24 - Food:  Eating with Jesus

Jan. 31 - Worship:  Seeking God's Presence

Feb. 7 - Sacraments: A Tapestry of Traditions

Feb. 14 - Money:  The Joy of Sharing

Feb. 21 - Service:  The Needs Right Around You

Feb. 28 - Community: An Unexpected Family


with Brian McLaren, Sara Miles, Mike Slaughter, Phyllis Tickle, Shane Claiborne, Enuma Okoro, and Doug Pagitt

We will look at faith practices through the Spark House Animate Series beginning on Sunday, January 17th and continuing thru February.  Join us at 9:45am on Sunday mornings in the Augsburg Alcove (near the Coffee Station!) for a lively discussion of prayer, food, worship, sacraments, money, service and community.

all photos from  Copyright © 2016 sparkhouse. All Rights Reserved.

Celebration of Baptism

Fifth Grade Celebration of Baptism

Sunday, January 8 – 9:45 AM

Baptism marks the beginning of our faith journey – a journey that will last a lifetime. On Sunday, January 8, our fifth graders will have a special time to remember and reflect on their baptism and look forward to their middle school years when they will have the opportunity to participate in our confirmation program. This program helps to equip them for a life of discipleship and culminates with the Affirmation of Baptism at the end of eighth grade, where each child affirms the vows made by their parents at baptism.

On January 8, parents are invited to join their fifth grade student and are asked to bring items of significance from their child’s baptism to share with the Sunday School students. These items can be baptismal candles, the cloth used to wipe the baby’s head, photos, baptismal gowns or outfits, or any other special remembrance of that special day. We hope and pray that this event will serve as a bridge to your child’s confirmation years.

Children’s Christmas Program

Join us Sunday, December 20, 2015 at 11:00 am for the Children’s Christmas Program!  (As part of our 11:00 am Worship Service)
This year’s program is the “drawkcaB Christmas Pageant.”   When one of the “wise people” needs to leave the pageant early because of a soccer game, the whole program needs to be done backwards. Don’t miss this special worship opportunity where our Sunday School children will present the Christmas story in reverse.  Be surprised by how much we can learn about God’s timeless love and grace.

You are invited to bring your family and friends to see our young people share the Good News.   All are welcome to come, enjoy, and Worship.

Learn more about our Children’s Christmas Program

White House Band & Steeple Dedication


Please join us

Sunday, Dec. 3, 2017, 5:00 pm

for a

“White House Christmas”


Back for their 3rd year, these eight former military virtuosos get together for exciting music, and tales of how they played for holidays at the White House! Led by master trumpeter, Dave Detwiler. Young jazz musicians from the community will also participate. Come one, come all! Aid goes to hurricane relief.  Information: 703 777 4912

Following the Concert:  Steeple Dedication

Celebrate the repair and re-lighting of the steeple with Christmas music by candlelight.  Light refreshments will be served i the commons after the dedication of the steeple.

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 605 W. Market St., Leesburg, VA 20176



Celebrate the Holidays at Holy Trinity!

Christmas Eve, December 24

4:00 pm Family Service with Preschool Living Nativity

7:00 pm Festival Choral Eucharist with Children’s Choirs

11:00 pm Festival Choral Eucharist with CHancel Choir


First Sunday after Christmas, December 27

10:00 am Christmas Lessons and Carols


New Year’s Eve, December 31

7:30 pm Watch Night Service

Outreach ~ Advent Adventure

Sunday, November 29, 9:45–10:45 AM

Location: The Commons

Come and join us for decorating small Christmas trees for the homebound! Bring your own decorations, or use the craft supplies provided. There will be seasonal music, treats, and fellowship for all ages.

*There will not be traditional Sunday School on November 29! Please do not drop off your children, as this family event takes the place of Sunday School.

November 22 Hymn Festival

Through the Church the Song Goes On… A Hymn Festival with Readings, Choir, and Instruments!

Sunday, November 22, 10:00 AM

Mark your calendars now for a morning of celebrating our heritage of faith through communal song! Our songs will be enhanced by choirs, organ and instruments – a wonderful cacophony of sound raised to God’s glory!

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Starting Sunday, October 25th, Christmas Stocking kits will be available. The kits are brown bags that contain a Christmas stocking, a list of gift ideas, and directions for filling and returning the stocking to church by Sunday, November 8th. The recipients of the stockings are children from ages 2-12. The Loudoun County Holiday Coalition will distribute the stockings in early December. Unwrapped gifts for infants, teens, seniors, and persons with disabilities are also welcome.

This is Holy Trinity’s tenth year participating in this community outreach program. We hope to exceed 1000 stockings for our total number of stockings donated by Holy Trinity and Little Blessings Preschool since 2006!

If you would prefer, a basket will be available for goodwill donations – we will fill the stocking for you!

Reformation Sunday Review

We Celebrated Reformation Sunday, October 25

Glorious music was provided by our  ‘B’Orchestra’—Band/Orchestra, including musicians from Holy Trinity and some community friends.

The Combined Men’s and Chancel Choir provided a beautiful rendition of  “Built on a Rock.”

A huge thank you to Nancy Fox, Marcia Merry, and all of the musicians for making our Reformation Sunday a musical celebration!