Grow to Give

Growing and Harvesting for Those in Need
The “Grow to Give” initiative is ready to begin. Would you like to be part of the team that gives your time in the field from planting to harvest?
Please call or email
Lory and Grant Gustafson if you are interested!
571-246-3144 or

Christmas Eve

at 5:00pm, 7:00pm & 9:00pm
at the Front Entrance of the Church Steps
BUT WAIT!! If it rains (and there is a pretty good chance that it will), THIS is what we plan to do instead:
We will have a drive-in service with Holy Communion at 7:00pm in the parking lot on the side of the Church with an FM radio broadcast that you can listen to while you sit in your car.

Either rain or shine:

Please take a moment to tune in and watch our very special Christmas Eve Video Service. We have prepared a beautiful arrangement of music and readings that you just won’t want to miss! It will be sent out on Dec. 24th around 5:00pm via email.  Contact Pastor Gerry for more information:

Bubble Groups

To reduce the spread of COVID-19, we have taken many steps to minimize risk, including at this time, suspending indoor services. The services were suspended because we felt the risk of contamination was too high for our procedures to mitigate. But just like children and families have done, if you know and trust the self-limiting exposure of a group of people, like a neighbor, you can do things together with them, that you would not do if you didn’t have that level of trust. That is a bubble group. It is people who trust each other’s level of contact and feel safe being around each other.
In our congregation, we have friends and family members who do things outside of church. We know that some of our members have limited their “going out” like dining in restaurants or shopping. If people want to gather together in smaller groups, we could arrange to have a worship service for them. Further, anyone who wants to come and visit the church or receive Holy Communion, you are always welcome to do so, just reach out to Pastor Gerry!

Children Tell The Story



or contact Pastor Gerry for the link!

Children’s Virtual Advent Calendar

Hey Kids! Check out our Virtual
Children’s Advent Calendar on YouTube!
Every day, Pastor Gerry and members of the Church Staff will be posting a kid-friendly video during the season of Advent in anticipation of the birth of Jesus Christ. Let Pastor Gerry know if you’d like to be added to the email list so you can be a part of this very special countdown to Christmas!

Try Handbells!

Handbells Program – New Options!
To keep handbells a vital part of our ministry while offering more flexibility, we’ve created a Winter-Spring schedule with four “Handbell Sets” (February – May)
Each set includes:
  • Two rehearsals
  • One worship performance
Rehearsal Schedule
  • February & April:  Wednesday evenings
  • March & May:  After Worship
You may sign up for as many sets as you’d like.  Newcomers (middle school through adult) are always welcome.

Give the Gift That Keeps Giving

As we’ve done in the past, we will be offering Scrip Cards again this year to benefit our Youth Ministry Group. Your holiday shopping plans may look a little different this year, so Scrip Cards could offer you the opportunity to find the perfect gift while shopping online from the comforts of your own home! There are over 750 cards for various retailers to choose from – including Amazon! Here’s how it works:
  • You can get a printed copy of the retailer list from the Welcome Center or you can download one online
  • Once you’re on the Login page, scroll down to the bottom and click on Retailer List or Retailer List by Category. A list of participating retailers will load in a PDF format.
  • Select which gift cards you would like from the list and write the name of the card, denomination of the card ($25.00 etc.) and the quantity of cards you need for each retailer.
  • Add up the total value for the cards you are ordering and make out a check payable to “Holy Trinity Youth”.
  • Submit your list and payment to the Church Office. We will process the order as a group order, not individually, and will contact you once the cards are ready to be picked up.
  • Retailer lists and order forms will also be available at the Welcome Center, outside of the Church Office.
We will be collecting Scrip Card orders starting Sunday, November 15th and will continue on 11/22, 11/29, 12/6 and 12/13. In most cases, if you order on a Sunday, we will have your order available the following week. Have a safe and easy Christmas shopping season with the purchase of Scrip cards.
What is Scrip? Scrip is a gift card based fund raiser — just purchase a gift card, and you will get full value for your shopping.  The Holy Trinity Youth will receive a commission (up to 15%) for selling you a card — no additional cost to you!  Scrip offers a wide variety of gift cards, from Amazon to Zappos, and everything in between, both online and brick-and-mortar retailers!


The Metro D.C. Synod will be offering an online All Saints Serviceon November 1, 2020 at 4:00 PM to remember all those who have died in the past year, which is especially important as we grieve for those we have lost through the COVID-19 pandemic.
You are welcome to participate in this service through the
or Facebook page.
To prepare for worship, please have a small bowl of water available and light as many candles as you would like.

Reformation Sunday Worship

DC Metro Synod Reformation Service – Online!!
For the first time, The DC Metro Synod is offering an Online Synod Reformation Service. The Bishop had asked our conference to design and create a service for the whole Synod. All the Pastors in our area worked together and produced a wonderful service. They adopted our method of inviting different people to offer their gifts for the service. It is well worth the watch, especially the Almighty Fortress prelude (WOW!)
It will be available at 4:00pm on October 25, 2020 at:
Or just search the Metro DC Synod on YouTube

Online Bible Study

Wednesday Nights at 7:00 pm

The Gospel of John: One Chapter at a Time

Martin Luther called the Gospel of John the best Gospel in the Bible. Historically, the emphasis has always been on Matthew or the other synoptic gospels, but never John. John is a unique witness and what he says corroborates Jesus’ ministry and helps us understand better the message and context of Jesus’ life.
Pastor Gerry is hosting an online weekly Zoom group discussion on Wednesday nights at 7:00pm to study the Gospel of John, one chapter at a time. This should prove to be not only informative but enlightening as well. It will also be a way to keep Scripture in your life and interact “socially” as a group. Since we aren’t able to meet in-person for a while, Pastor thought this was the next best thing. Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Zoom Meeting ID: 819 2476 1503
Passcode: 1111
If you can’t make the Zoom Meeting, you can also find the videos on his YouTube channel, Gerry Johnson.