New! Small Group Ministry

The key to being a church is having spiritual relationships. We are to help each other along the faith journey. We all are at different places and have different experiences and needs. But as a church we should value the times we get to- gether as a church to help everyone along.

Many churches including a large percent of growing churches proclaim that small group ministry is what helped the church strengthen its mission, and in many cases, grow. People who have been involved with small group ministries have also shared that their faith and connection to the church and to God was strengthened by small group ministry. Pastor Gerry and Sandy are veterans of the success of the small groups.

What are small groups? They are weekday meetings at someone’s house for bible study, prayer concerns, and fellowship. The meetings are time specific and don’t run late. The format is pretty easy and light and the group grows.

Why are small groups important?

  1. )  There is more opportunity to talk and share faith journey and experiences (if the people want to).
  2. )  Group members realize that they are not alone in their faith journey and the way they live out their faith.
  3. )  People use their gifts and talents to live out their faith helping each other. It is not all about the pastor. People can be helpful to each other and support each other.
  4. )  Small group members encourage each other in their faith. They become better skilled in the practices of praying and thinking about God in their lives.
  5. )  Small group members encourage each other to grow. They provide the support that makes reaching out in faith less daunting or insurmountable. They also hold each other accountable in a good way.
  6. )  People in small groups pray for each other. They learn to care and part of the support is to pray for each other.
  7. )  People are able to practice what they learn in the small group and in their life with the support of the small group.
  8. )  Friendships are fostered in the trusting environment of small groups. People will also get more out of worship because they check in with their small group members.

These benefits are for each individual. In order to want these benefits, you must want to grow and you must make a commitment to the group. People have said that the group meant that they had to make room for it in their life, but once they did, their life changed and the rest of the week became richer and fuller too.

Think about it for you. Pray about it for you and for others in the congregation. This is a great opportunity to get and give the support you need to grow in faith in Jesus Christ. We are planning to start a small group ministry in the fall. Keep posted for more information.

Pastor Gerry

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