Vacation Bible School

VBS at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church!

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Leesburg, Virginia, invites you to participate in our 2025 Vacation Bible School, Egypt! Joseph's Journey  from Prison to Palace! We will explore our Bible stories through art, movement, drama and music.  And of course there will be time for snack and recreation!
Our week of VBS will be July 7-11, 2025 and will run from 9:00 AM - Noon. The week will culminate with a Sunday Worship Celebration on July 13 at 10:00 AM!

Space is limited!  Registration is open until we reach capacity.  


Children who are turning 3 by September 1, 2025

Campers:  Rising Pre-K thru 5th graders

Join us for  Storytelling,  Crafts, Games, Snacks, and  Music!  ( Pre-K students must be 4 by September 30, 2025.) 

Junior Crew   

A special program for rising 6th graders:

  • Includes opportunities to learn leadership skills.
  • Provides hands on experience volunteering in different aspects of Vacation Bible School.
  • Incorporates Bible learning and age appropriate crafts.

Youth and Adult Volunteers

Choose from a variety of volunteer positions including Craft Leader / Assistant, Story Teller / Assistant, Snack Leader / Assistant, Recreation Assistant, Crew Leader / Assistant, Nursery, or Office Assistant. 


Fill out the form below to register to participate in  Egypt! Joseph's Journey  from Prison to Palace!    A registration fee of $35 per child ($45 after June 1) will be collected to cover the purchasing of materials and can be sent via mail or electronically through the online giving portal.
Participant Form:  WeeBS, and Grades Preschool-5 and Junior Crew (Rising 6th graders)
Volunteer Registration:  Rising 7th graders - Adults


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