Sunday School & Work Sessions 8:45 am
Worship 10:00 am
“God’ s work, our hands; working together, building a future, repairing the world,...Bless God, our hands as we work in your name, sharing the good news of your gospel!”
This will also be the first day of Sunday School!
Students will work with their teachers and classmates on a service project from 8:45 to 9:45 AM, Then all are invited to go out into the community to serve after worship!
Here are some of our projects that request your donations BEFORE Sunday, Sept 8:
KIDS – Expect the Unexpected
Every day an elementary school expects children will have accidents, spills, and falls! This September, Holy Trinity's Women of the ELCA together with the entire congregation on God's Work, Our Hands Sunday will join forces to provide Frederick Douglass Elementary with clothing for these unexpected times - so children can change to clean clothes and quickly get back to their classroom routines.
Check the clothesline in the Commons beginning August 18 for clothes that are needed. You can sign-up online
by going to
For many homeless children the idea of a birthday party, or even a cake is not a reality!
However, as part of God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday, we will make it possible. Through a creative cake
recipe using only nonperishable ingredients we will be creating Birthday Cake Boxes to be distributed to children with housing insecurity! Sign up at:
All materials and items must be brought to church by 8:45 am Sunday, September 8!! Thank you and God bless!