Angel Tree gifts for community

Poinsettia Dedications

Help decorate the Sanctuary with a poinsettia plant.

$15 each or 2 for $28

Bring your plant home after the 7:30 pm Christmas Eve Service or after the 10:00 am Lessons & Carols service the following Sunday. You may also opt to contribute only to the flower/decorations fund.  Order forms are available at church, or you may Download and print one here: paper form.

Outreach – Donate!


In a spirit of generosity, the Social Ministry invites you to partake in the noble endeavor of collecting Thanksgiving meal items over the next 20 days, ensuring that families in need can revel in a bountiful holiday feast.

We kindly ask you to consider donating the following:

  • cans of pumpkin, green beans, corn, sweet potato, gravy, cranberries
  • boxes of cornbread mix, stuffing, pie crusts
  • bags of marshmallows
  • mashed potato packets
  • gift cards for a turkey

Golden carts will be stationed to graciously receive your heartfelt contributions.

Thank you for your kindness in advance.

Wednesday Night, LIVE!!

Choirs, Fellowship, Food!

This fun evening of music and fellowship has been a Holy Trinity tradition for more than 20 years.  If you are in Joyful Noise (Children’s Choir Grades K-5,) Handbells (Grade 6-Adult,) or Confirmation, or just don’t feel like cooking, plan to join us on Wednesday evening for dinner.  There is no need to bring anything.  Meals will be ready and a freewill offering will be collected to defray the cost of the food.  Each week the dinner menu will be sent out and we simply ask that you let us know if you plan to attend.  (Even if you forget to tell us, we still would love to have you!)  We Started November 13, 2024, and will continue thru the spring.

The schedule for the evening is as follows:

4:30-5:30pm Confirmation (Youth)

5:30 – 6:00 pm Dinner (Freewill offering to defray the cost of dinner)

6:00 – 6:50pm  Children’s Choir – Sing & Ring  (Grades K-5)

7-8:00 pm Hand Bell Choir (Middle School – Adult)

Be an Advent Angel for Sunday School Kids

As the season of reflection unfolds, we are drawn to angels and their pivotal role in the miraculous tale of Jesus’ birth.  These celestial beings serve as divine messengers. This year, you too can embody the spirit of an angel and share the joyous tidings of Jesus’ birth and His boundless love through our Advent Angel program. Interested souls may sign up beginning Sunday, November 10, to become an “Advent Angel” for one or more of our cherished Sunday School children, spanning Preschool to Grade 8. Your identity as an “Angel” shall remain cloaked in mystery until you choose to unveil yourself to your young charge during the gathering after worship on Sunday, December 15.

What does it take to embrace the role of an Advent Angel?

  • Seek out the Advent Angel sign upon the table in the Commons.
  • Collect as many envelopes as your heart desires. Within each envelope lies the name of one of our Sunday School students, allowing you to be a guiding light for multiple children.
  • During the Advent season, send a heartfelt card to your assigned child(ren).
  • Adorn the Christmas Tree in the Commons with an “Angel” ornament by Sunday, December 8, ensuring that the tag with the hole accompanies the ornament. Remember, your name must remain a secret on the tag!
  • Gather in the Sanctuary on December 15 after Worship to reveal your identity and greet your “angel” child.

Our cherished legacy of Advent Angels demonstrates that the impact of your angelic ministry resonates far beyond this joyous season! We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your participation in this beloved tradition!

SUN DEC 1 – Community Christmas Carol Sing-Along!

Sunday, Dec. 1, 2024 at 4 pm


Start your Christmas Season off by joining the Leesburg community, led by our organ and choirs, in a rousing afternoon of traditional carols! The event is free and open to the public! Bring your family and bring your friends! Non-perishable food items and money will be collected to benefit Loudoun Hunger Relief.

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church,

605 W. Market St., Leesburg, VA 20175. 703 777-4912.

Children Tell the Story

Date: Sunday, December 15

Time: 10:00 AM

Join us for the festive celebration! Rehearsals will grace the Sunday mornings during the Sunday School hour, commencing November 17, with open invitations for all children and youth to partake in this joyous occasion. Sign-up here, ensuring your family can join in the merriment! Everyone is welcome, even if attendance at all rehearsals isn’t possible.

A grand “dress” rehearsal will take place on  Saturday, December 14 at 10:00 AM

Parade of Saints

Sunday, November 3

This event will start during the Sunday School Hour, 8:45-9:45 am, for ALL ages! This is the day when we celebrate All Saints Day during worship. All Saints Day typically focuses on those who have died during the year. However, did you know that in the Lutheran Church you do not have to be dead to be a saint? Actually, anyone who follows Jesus is considered a Saint! You are a saint!! Lutherans believe that sainthood is not a thing to be achieved, it is a GIFT of God!!

In our lives, there is likely someone who has really helped us along our faith journey. On November 3, everyone is invited to bring a picture of someone who they feel has helped them draw closer to God in faith- sort of a personal Saint! This can be someone who has gone before who now is celebrating life in God’s heavenly Kingdom or someone who is still living here on earth! We will light candles for the Saints and everyone will be invited to fill out a card with the saint’s name and a little information about their life!

At the end of the hour, anyone who has brought a picture of a saint who has gone before and is living in God’s heavenly kingdom is invited to join the Gathering Procession in worship carrying the picture of their Saint. We will then place the pictures in our worship space to remind us of the people who have modeled life in Jesus and can continue to serve as examples for us of a godly life.

In addition, we are hoping to have some cookies as refreshments for the day and thought it might be fun to have cookies made using the recipes of some of the saints who have gone before us! Maybe you have a cookie recipe from your mom, grandparents, or friend. Watch our weekly announcements for more information!

Blessing of the Animals

We had a very blessed afternoon honoring the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals and the environment.
Hope you can join us next year!
Sunday, October 6, 2024
4:00-5:00 pm